View Full Version : Bad panic attack, need immediate support!

12-16-2016, 04:19 PM
Hi all,
I am new to this forum. I will post an introduction, but right now I just need some immediate support because I am having a really bad panic attack.
Yesterday I went to see my psychiatrist who prescribes my anxiety medication. For some reason she always takes my blood pressure, and every time it has been normal, but yesterday it came out saying I had high blood pressure. That really, really freaked me out and sent me spiraling into major panic mode. And then today, I was out walking in 30 degree weather and naturally everything started feeling numb because of the cold. However, when I got inside my throat started feeling numb, like when you get an injection at the dentist. Being someone with severe hypochondria, my mind starting going to stroke, brain tumor, etc. and I spiraled into a major panic attack. I am so scared and just need support from some people who also understand what anxiety feels like.

12-16-2016, 04:26 PM
Hey Charlotte,

Sucks you're going through that. It's been several minutes since you posted. Are you feeling any better?

12-16-2016, 05:27 PM
Hi Charlotte,

Anxiety, physical medical conditions, meds -- all of these can cause your blood pressure to jump around. Mine is all over the map, from well within normal range to high. But my bp has never caused any problems. So, one high reading is not dangerous. If your doctor were concerned she would have followed-up in some way -- probably just more readings. At one point I was tracking my BP at home on a regular basis.

If your BP was in fact high, you would just be prescribed a BP med like millions of other people take. It's often only temporary. Bottom line: Your high BP reading does NOT mean you are at risk for stroke, brain tumor or other major medical disorder.

Having said all that, I totally understand your reaction. for anxiety folk like us, something that seems like a new medical problem is a common and huge trigger. If I get a new pain somewhere or other medical symptom, I often freak too.

You'll be fine, you are just experiencing your customary anxiety. Thanks for letting us know what's up for you. Keep us posted.

12-21-2016, 12:28 PM
Just eat your medicine, you will be better gradually. Try mindfulness meditation, eat regularly, vitamin B, light exercise + stretching, avoid coffee and alcohol. Good luck :)

silver lining
12-24-2016, 06:44 PM
yes mindful is right.. also I would add: if you live in a place that doesn't get adequate sunlight during the winter months, add vitamin D supplements to your diet. We get vitamin D through our skin from the sunrays. Without it (D), your immune system will start to weaken thus you will contract sicknesses easier like the common cold or flu. Try to stay calm when you go into panic mode.. Don't fear the feeling of anxiety, accept it and allow it to pass. It's just mental.. during an attack, chant to yourself these words.. ANXIETY IS UNCOMFORTABLE BUT NOT DANGEROUS. Hopefully you will feel a little better. Best of luck! Peace