View Full Version : Panic Attacks (New member)

12-16-2016, 02:49 AM
Hi everyone, this is my first post and I would like to thank you all for sharing your stories, I know it can be hard to open up specially with strangers.

I´ve always considered myself as a very nervous person but recently it just got worse, in public I feel as if I´m being watched like everybody is staring at me and judging me just waiting for me to do something wrong or embarrasing. It has become very difficult for me to go out or to interact with people.

Recently I´ve had panic attacks, it started one night I was just about to go to sleep and all the sudden I woke up without breath, I was gasping, I felt pressure on my chest and as if I had something stuck down my throat, I felt very terrified because it was the first time that ever happened to me, then it became a regular thing, every night I had the same problem. I went with different doctors to see what could be causing the attacks but all of them told me there was no physical cause that it could be a psychological problem and they suggested me to go to a psychologist. About three weeeks ago I had the same problem while I was on the subway, it had never occured to me in public, since then I´ve started to drink less coffee and overall trying to avoid caffeine.

Does anyone have any other recommendations to make the attacks less frequent?

12-16-2016, 04:47 AM
Hi Carlos and welcome :)

I'd recommend you get the book The DARE Response by Barry McDonagh. I just listened to the audiobook (it's read by the author himself) and I was quite impressed. Here's a video about it: https://youtu.be/3BHZ630ooRQ

Gypsy x

12-16-2016, 12:17 PM
I think the advice to see a psychologist was excellent. If you have the means, I recommend giving that a try. A good psychologist will have many options to help you get relief from what you're going through. As with any specialist, you might have to try more than one to find someone that you work well with -- finding a good match is particularly important w/ a psychologist because you need to feel comfortable and trusting.

Let us know how you do -- hope you get relief soon.

12-16-2016, 02:34 PM
I think a combination of seeing a psychologist and listening to audio books/ reading self help books can be helpful.

12-18-2016, 07:54 PM
very true mike... one of the most crucial and helpful aides in my anxiety recovery has been listening to good stuff every night and sometimes during the day too.

we can kinda brainwash ourselves into a new way of thinking about our anxiety which helps it subside :-)

12-19-2016, 08:06 PM
good point marcus. through the wonders of neuroplasticity, we can re-train our minds to think in positive, healthier ways.

12-21-2016, 12:23 PM
Go to psychiatrist, try mindfulness meditation, eat regularly, vitamin B, light exercise + stretching, avoid coffee and alcohol. Good luck :)