View Full Version : Meditation, Not Medication

12-14-2016, 04:31 PM
Meditation, Not Medication (https://www.amazon.com/Meditation-Not-Medication-Mind-Body-Connection-ebook/dp/B00APOUTOS) - Heal Yourself Using Your Mind-Body Connection with Healing Meditation – Jennifer Brooks

What if you discovered a form of healing that even hinted at relieving some of your toughest physical, emotional and even mental issues? What if this amazing form of healing cost you nothing and didn’t create any adverse, complicating side effects? Would you be interested? (By the way, it costs absolutely nothing)

It’s called healing meditation, and doctors nationwide are embracing this practice as part of the larger movement of integrative therapy. Integrative medicine does more than provide patients with the conventional medical treatments to help “cure” the disease. While it will never totally replace your visits to your doctor, it can help reduce your dependence on some prescription medications.

Healing meditations – and they come in many forms – have an amazing effect on quieting your mind and your body. Because of this, they can help reduce the effects on your body and mind. More and more, stress has been cited as a major contributor to a host of diseases, disorders and illnesses including cardiovascular disease, cancer, any pain associated with disorders and much more. Healing meditation has also been recommended as an effective approach to anger management.
If you’ve been battling a disorder and you’re feeling as if the traditional therapies aren’t as effective as you had hoped – or your healthcare provider has promised – it's time to complement those therapies with healing meditation. It just may change your life for the better.

12-29-2016, 03:42 PM
What if you did this for 20 minutes twice per day for over a year and still had panic attacks and high anxiety? Just wondering because I did. I'm trying meds again.

02-13-2017, 10:26 AM
Personally, i believe in a multi faceted appoach. Psychotherapy, medication, meditation...

03-18-2017, 03:37 AM
I'm trying to do the meditation every day and it seems helpful for me :)

03-19-2017, 03:04 AM
What if you did this for 20 minutes twice per day for over a year and still had panic attacks and high anxiety? Just wondering because I did. I'm trying meds again.

Your number of meditations sessions comes to 730 sittings. If it were me having practiced for such a long period of time yet achieve no positive results from such a proven method as meditation; I would question the effort and desire in one's practice during that time.

The hardest part for anyone doing mediation - is doing it regularly. It's virtually impossible not to derive massive benefits from a dedicated practice of meditation after 730 sittings in one year. Therefore, I indeed question your claim and your approach.

03-19-2017, 03:16 AM
In the mean time ... here is a very quick and useful tip that should work for anyone that's willing to put in the effort:


As far as "panic attacks" go, I had 3 cop cars here the other day over a very disturbing incident. My head was racing for days on end in the aftermath of that event. 'My head has been raging with all manner of intrusive thoughts. Is why I am on a disability pension. The above video has been like a sleeping pill - and more; but without the morning fog. :)

I hope others that give it a good try gain as much relief as I have been.

All the best and Peace ;)

03-19-2017, 04:17 AM
One more for good measure ;)


03-19-2017, 08:54 AM
Your number of meditations sessions comes to 730 sittings. If it were me having practiced for such a long period of time yet achieve no positive results from such a proven method as meditation; I would question the effort and desire in one's practice during that time.

The hardest part for anyone doing mediation - is doing it regularly. It's virtually impossible not to derive massive benefits from a dedicated practice of meditation after 730 sittings in one year. Therefore, I indeed question your claim and your approach.

You really are the king of nonsense, aren't you?

For a start, the benefits of meditation aren't as conclusive as the media would have you believe. No practice works 100% of the time for 100% of people. In fact, there's growing research that suggests many people are negatively impacted by meditation.

I'm not against the practice. It does have some proven benefits. It's just not the cure-all people like you make it out to be. Your comment that says it's impossible not to derive massive benefits from a dedicated meditation practice is ludicrous. Still, I didn't expect much common sense from a guy who posts monk videos and believes every man-made substance is poison.


Another study, Shapiro (1992), found that 62.9% of the subjects reported adverse effects during and after meditation and 7.4% experienced profoundly adverse effects. The length of practice (from 16 to 105 months) did not make any difference to the quality and frequency of adverse effects.

03-19-2017, 01:43 PM
You really are the king of nonsense, aren't you?

For a start, the benefits of meditation aren't as conclusive as the media would have you believe. No practice works 100% of the time for 100% of people. In fact, there's growing research that suggests many people are negatively impacted by meditation.

I'm not against the practice. It does have some proven benefits. It's just not the cure-all people like you make it out to be. Your comment that says it's impossible not to derive massive benefits from a dedicated meditation practice is ludicrous. Still, I didn't expect much common sense from a guy who posts monk videos and believes every man-made substance is poison.


Another study, Shapiro (1992), found that 62.9% of the subjects reported adverse effects during and after meditation and 7.4% experienced profoundly adverse effects. The length of practice (from 16 to 105 months) did not make any difference to the quality and frequency of adverse effects.

It seems to me, the link you share is written with about as much disdain and misunderstanding as your opening words. Thankfully it matters little to me what others think, when it comes to one's practice with whatever approach one takes. I need not rely on statistics or studies - nor should anyone else ... when it comes the essence of "practice." My claim is more for myself and anyone else that knows just how beneficial it truly is to separate oneself from incessant thinking, and of course; this fear driven world. The liberation that a well practiced mindfulness and meditation program brings to those that truly embrace, and that being an antidote to our modern way of living; is understandably a threat to those who are invested in limiting beliefs. Moreover today's modern machine. A mechanism founded on binding ideals set to make us all dependent on a value system that perpetuates suffering on which it thrives. That's not nonsense. It's just a hard pill to swallow when compared to the alternative chemical solutions the masses are presently addicted to. Enslaved is just as an appropriate word.

My previous point with regard to practice, no matter what route you take, is that you reap what you sow and your only as good as what you choose (how you talk, think, feel and act) to see within. It's through personal experience, determination and likewise dedication (not the studies and findings based on "someone else") rather than resisting negative thoughts of self and others - that makes all the difference when it comes finding peace ... if that is what one truly seeks.

The problem with forums like these is the amount of negative energy and self defeating attitudes. More so the analytical nature of validation seeking through anything other than personal experience. I expected as much to meet your kind of resistance, but it means little to me as I use it more to empower my own practice and further clarify the truth.

Thx for such an opportunity.

All the best and wishing you nothing but peace.

03-19-2017, 05:20 PM
The following is a talk presented at GOOGLE about Mindfulness Meditation with Jon kabat-zinn who is acclaimed for being the first person to successfully bring meditation into mainstream medicine.

This is a good break down that demystifies the eastern philosophy often misunderstood and associated with meditation:
