View Full Version : Eternalism, Physics

12-01-2016, 04:26 PM
What do you guys think about the philosophy of Eternalism? I think the key to understanding Eternalism is to understand how deeply the dimension of space is connected to the dimension of time (Einstein's Theory of Relativity). It helped me better understand how time behaves as the 4th dimension by seeing how it behaves in 2 dimensions. For instance, let's say we have a function P(t) = (t,x) where P(t) is the position some object with respect to time. Just by looking at the function you can even write it as t(P)=(x,t) where now space ACTS as if it's time. So it's kind of safe to say that time and space are in the same coordinate system however the only thing that changed is the perspective. This leads me thinking... If both can be viewed as the same thing, is it space that's changing time? Or is it time that's changing space? But wait a second... Asking those questions is like saying "Is space changing space or is it time that's changing time?" so there is a contradiction. That's when the concept of entropy comes along which gets even deeper than that... Studying physics really let me look at things from a whole new perspective. I used to think this world was plain and just full of objects but there is much more happening than that. Numbers... Formulas... they are eternal and immortal. They work everywhere in the universe. You can describe everything mathematically. But why mathematically? Is it just a toolbox in our head? Or is it something much more than that.

12-03-2016, 09:38 PM
well time to me is motion, so.