View Full Version : Hello everyone, so glad to find this community

11-29-2016, 05:34 PM
My name is Jim, Im 28, and back in September I experience my first ever panic attack and life has been very fragile since. It all started when I found my old middle school friend on Facebook. We would talk and he happens to be a pothead. We talked about if I ever tried marijuana, which i have never tried it, because I never had the chance to experience so I thought I should try it out once. But I don't like smoking things so i requested if we'll try pot brownies instead. so he prepared them at my home, and being clueless about the doses, he recommended 3 small brownies. so I ate all 3. and that was the beginning of the end. We started watching Netflix relaxing, waiting for it to hit. after an hour in a half, I felt the high, and it got more intense every 30 minutes, to the point where I was shaking uncontrollably and rapid heart beat, and felt like I was going to die. My friend was worried for me, and after 4 hours I called 911 to get the ambulance to come get me. They took me and asked me what I taken, told them the truth, they took me to the hospital, and gave me ativan, and i felt normal again but just weaker.

the next day, I was relaxing at home and felt like fainting, short of breath, feeling of dying suddenly, and it was so tough, I thought it was just me detoxing from the marijuana. This happened every day and after a week I was pretty sure the marijuana is out of my system and I am suffering from something psychological. I went to the doctor, they were worried about me until my bloodwork came back normal.

My panic attacks sometimes are mild, then every week there is one strong episode and it is so debilitating. Recently I got a bad cold, I slept for 3 hours one night and woke up. I decided to drink Nyquil and after 20 minutes I got a full blown panic attack, and i been getting strong ones since then.

I hope this community help me feel like Im not crazy. and that I'm not the only one.

11-29-2016, 09:44 PM
Hi Jimmy and welcome :)

11-29-2016, 10:51 PM
Hi Jimmy.

Unfortunately I think It takes more than a week to get that much Marijuana completely out of your system (3 brownies..yikes!). Unfortunately, I don't think your panic attacks will cease once the marijuana leaves your system. But don't worry, it will take a while but you should return back to normal.