View Full Version : Another new guy probably asking the same questions

11-29-2016, 12:52 PM
Hi all,

I'm a 27 year old male, married with a two year old daughter. About 2 months ago I had my first panic attack and life hasn't been the same since. Every day is hard work. My doctor has repeatedly advised me that I'm physically OK but it never seems to be enough. I'm gonna hit out with a wall of text and chances are not many folk will read it - who knows, maybe it'll be therapeutic.

I was on holiday for a long weekend, driving back and started to become breathless. My vision then went into a sort of tunnel view and I became dizzy. My heart started racing, I was sweating and had to pull over and lie on the grass at the side of the road. A few minutes later after drinking some fluids I became a bit more functional but was still generally terrified and had to be driven the remaining 100 miles.

The entire week following that episode I was convinced I had some kind of terminal condition. I lay in bed for 4 days (thankfully, was on annual leave) suffering frequent attacks which felt like heart attacks, feeling unbelievable anxiety and 'terror' - for lack of a better word. My reaction was to drink only water and stop smoking after 10+ years of nicotene, caffeine and sugar.

I went to the doctor on day 4 and after a 10 minute appointment went from worrying how my daughter would grow up without me to being perfectly normal again. The worst of the symptoms ended there however the 2 months that followed until this point have continued to be particularly challenging. I have visited the doctors twice again since and had blood tests performed as well as the usual respiratory checks - all clear.

Day to day just now I suffer breathlessness, heart palpitations, fatigue and I seem to be clearing a lot of mucus from my throat/lungs. The latter I can attribute to stopping smoking I suppose.

I work in a role which is reasonably supportive of this kind of condition. Whilst there are stressful times, the vast majority of my time I work individually and can excuse myself if the worst happens. I haven't had an episode in work yet thankfully. Every day is a challenge. I've had depression for most of my adult life but it's been manageable - not a patch on this condition which the doctor diagnosed as general anxiety disorder.

I guess my question is to anyone still tuned in - is this a fairly typical story? will it end, does it become easier? I'm lucky in that I have a good friend (late 30s) who suffers anxiety and has been a source of strength - as well as my wife. All the same, my doctor and I feel reaching out at this stage is the best way forward.

Thanks for reading.

11-29-2016, 03:45 PM
From my own experiences, it's a fairly typical story of anxiety. We all have our different symptoms and triggers, but I can relate to much of what you wrote. There are many threads on here about what people have done for their anxiety, which you'll probably find helpful. I have mental and physical stuff that led to a perfect storm to cause anxiety, including a car wreck, head trauma, hormone imbalance, digestive issues, and pressures/expectations that I put on myself. A psychologist and healthy lifestyle changes have both been helpful for me...though I'm a long way from being over anxiety. I hope you find what helps you, and I'm glad you have supportive people around you.

11-29-2016, 05:19 PM
Welcome to the community, I'm 28 and recently started suffering from panic attacks for the first time in my life , you're not alone.