View Full Version : Hello from Ireland

11-19-2016, 12:53 PM
Hi guys,
This is my first time posting in any kind of forum ever! So I apologise in advance if I'm posting things wrong! I'm a 32 year old female married, with a gorgeous 5 year old boy. Recently (about 6 months ago) things got really bad with regards to my Anxiety! I thought I had every type of cancer going, I googled every pain, lump and of course it always gave me the worst scenario. I've been seeing a counsellor and doing CBT therapy, I'm also on medication the past 6 weeks. I was really great last week, I naively thought the medication kicked in and the counselling was starting to work I thought I was cured :( and then today has just been really awful so that's when I came across this site so I'm hoping this helps on bad days like today!

11-19-2016, 04:38 PM
Lindzi welcome to the forum. When you read some of the post here, you will know that we all suffer with health anxiety. You can not even count it on your fingers and toes how often I do have cancer.
Cancer runs in my family.................lumpy breasts are very often after pregnancy. I do suffer with it, and so far no cancer :)
what meds are you on? SRRI takes at least 6 weeks to start working. Therapy awesome,
what about trying meditation? It helps so many people. Just stick with us for a while and read different stories, yOu will be amazed what you can do , to get better, to accept it:)

11-19-2016, 06:21 PM
I recommend a book called "Dare". I believe the author is Irish so your thread reminded me of it. If you follow his techniques, I think you will see some relief from the anxiety.

11-19-2016, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the replies, yes I'm on ssri's, I'm hoping they just haven't kicked in yet, but I thought they had as last week was so good! I really felt back to my old self, it was such a relief, but then it started to creep in a few days ago and today has just been awful. Yes I tried meditation or mindfulness are they the same sort of thing? I haven't done it in a few weeks so I think I'll try that again, it does help a bit short term. I haven't heard of that book, I'll look into that too thanks. It's good to know that I'm not alone with the health anxiety I drive myself mad with the worries I have! My counsellor thinks I have PTSD from the birth of my son, she is the second person to tell me that, 1st person was my doctor 2 weeks after he was born. It was a pretty awful birth ending in a C section but aren't all births awful and other women seem to cope ok? I just can't put the two together, the anxiety has only really taken hold of me the past 6 months and my son is 5, could it have taken this long to take affect me?

11-20-2016, 03:20 AM
Welcome Lindzi!!

If you have real anxiety problems, it cant be cured, well thats what think because
i dont know anyone whos been cured, yes it will be less anxiety but there will always be.
Maybe im wrong, idk.


11-20-2016, 04:09 PM
Welcome to the forum. IMO I think it's hard to say. I remember all I wanted was to find "the CURE" to go back to how I was before anxiety started in my life. I'm sure we all want and hope for that. The other thing I've found is that we are all different. So what works for some people doesn't work for others. So IMO it's about finding that thing that helps reduce anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, ours just has more power over us. So it's finding that thing whatever it may be (meds, CBT, both, fitness, nuitrition, meditation, spirituality etc....). Metal Health issues can happen anytime. Especially if there were underlying issues that were bubbling below the surface. They build up without us knowing and BAM a panic attack or anxiety and you have not idea what caused it. It was the underlying issues you didn't know about.

11-20-2016, 04:21 PM
Welcome Lindzi!!

If you have real anxiety problems, it cant be cured, well thats what think because
i dont know anyone whos been cured, yes it will be less anxiety but there will always be.
Maybe im wrong, idk.


Finally the wise words. I can not be cured but we can change how we response to stress........anxiety is coded into us with the moment of conception. It is to safe us in case of danger. Cause we live in crazy world , more and more people suffer with it...........

11-20-2016, 05:55 PM
The coding can be influenced over time; but never deleted. The direction of that coding is not looking good. The more they come up with this BS concept of cure, the more byproduct that is created & the more Books, CDs, Drugs and likewise are sold. The coding soon becomes a virus that's spreads like a disease.

Thankfully there are ways and means to help us heal. Not something that easily comes from reading text. None the less the reciprocation that can take place in forums like these ... can at times help us read.

Welcome to the forum Lindzi.

11-20-2016, 06:12 PM
Hi Lindzi and welcome :)

I'm in the "no cure" camp (depending on the cause of the anxiety though). It's a tricky little beast!

Hope you find some help here.

Gypsy x

11-20-2016, 06:22 PM
D and Gypsy we are dealing so long with it, we do not believe in "miracles" :)
The supplements, the books , and other things..............people make money of us, it is that simple, There is only few book that give you some insights and they can be find free of charge on internet

11-22-2016, 05:56 PM
What are "real anxiety problems"..??

Seems like a mystery to me. I have been reading and it seems unless you had your particular anxiety disorder for at least 6 months then it doesn't get classified as a disorder. Also, sometimes the disorder needs to be considered to "impairing" which I believe means you can't lead a normal life/

So if 40 million Americans and 4 million Canadians have a disorder, then who knows how many go through life with flare ups of whatever. A good friend of mine who doesn't have anixety, said the other day he was experiencing "static". I know what that means.

11-22-2016, 06:35 PM
I had pretty severe anxiety last night because I have to go to my mother's today ugh.

I was thinking that psychiatry is still very much in its infancy and we haven't really changed THAT much since the days when they'd give patients lobotomies and all sorts of nasty stuff. This was after watching stuff on YouTube by the author of that DARE book, and the book I've been reading (The Happiness Trap). Maybe I'm just very stubborn because as I say, I had full-on anxiety last night despite being treated for it for 20+ years, reading a ton of stuff, discussing it on here etc. Once it gets a hold of me it's relentless and the only thing that works without fail is meds (benzos generally).

So yeah, I guess I have "real anxiety problems" lol. I've read a lot of stuff on addictions and I'm convinced I was born with a chemical imbalance (plus there were environmental factors). I just don't think the medical profession has much of a clue about the brain/mind still, and treatment is still very hit-and-miss.

11-22-2016, 08:16 PM
Welcome to the forum. Ireland is a great place. We were in Dublin, Belfast and Limerick in 2011 and everyone was great.
Glad you are here and hope you feel better soon.

11-23-2016, 07:01 PM
D and Gypsy we are dealing so long with it, we do not believe in "miracles" :) The supplements, the books , and other things..............people make money of us, it is that simple, There is only few book that give you some insights and they can be find free of charge on internet topic rất hay. up để bay xa nhé