View Full Version : Relieving Chest tightness

10-26-2008, 08:52 PM
It's driving me crazy. I have made myself breathe normally the past few days which significantly reduces the hand tingling, and it doesnt make me feel worse, but the pressure in the chest builds because I feel like I need to take more breathes, which I don't.

Ugh I can't stand it @__@ I feel relaxed, but conciously and subconsciously relaxing are 2 different things, and i dont know how to subconsciously relax. Taking my mind off it doesn't make it go away. I would feel JUST FINE if I could only breathe normal.

I thought I was breathing normal in my sleep but its still shallow. My nose goes from periods of being stuffy to non-stuffy (it does that all the time) I take some tylenol sinus before going to bed and that usually takes care of it so I can breathe out of my nose while sleeping.

Days pass, I dont have any stressful situations during these past couple days but it doesn't get better >.< I can't handle this, but im doing my best to keep calm because nothing it actually wrong. I'm trying to breathe as normal as I can but i think its still a bit too shallow.

Is there anything I can do to relax it? Though I sleep rather soundly and i have periods of calmness where my mind is not on the anxiety, this tightness remains. It's gotta go away, I can't function with it or enjoy anything >.<

10-28-2008, 03:27 PM
have you ever been diagnosed with asthma? I know anxiety defintly causes chest tightness but so can asthma... do you have a cough at all?
Just a thought? Sorry I'm not much help.