View Full Version : New to this, please help

11-12-2016, 06:16 PM
Hello all my name is Josh and I've been dealing with something for the past 3 months. I started writing a post before dinner but it was dragging out and I feel like I was going in circles and not really getting anywhere. Im going to try to keep this short and see if anyone can identify with me or give me advice. Here goes:

About 3 months ago I started getting dizzy and short of breath when talking. Sometimes I would get a racing heart beat with this. A few times I felt like a may pass out and would be taking involuntary deep breaths. It would pass but twice I ended up in the er thinking it was heart related. This went on for a few months and I even went to a cardiologist for a echo whigh was normal.

For about the last month I've noticed it seems to only hit full strength when I'm traveling for work or at home in public places that I don't frequent that often. Some places don't bother me. I've come to realize that it's some kind of anxiety issue. It's evolved from a 24/7 dizzinness and spaced out feeling 3 months ago to a full tight chest feeling with a pain in my throat below my adams apple but above my breast bone. It's not 24/7 anymore, it's just when driving in a car or at work or the mall, etc.My last job in tennesse a few weeks ago resulted in one of these attacks on the first day sending me home to florida immediately.

I don't understand what is going on. I'm not a worrier nor do I care what people think of me. It would appear to be some kind of social anxiety but I don't have thoughts of being stared at or scared of people or public places. I don't understand why now at 33 years old this just switched on a few months ago. My next job is about two weeks away after thanksgiving and I can't afford to have it send me home again. It's becoming like clockwork and the throat ache seems to be staying longer. It's the kind of throat pain you get from crying too much if that makes any sense. But I haven't been crying.

I'm going to stop for now and I still feel like I haven't explained what I've been going through. I know my info is scattered but I hope this opens I conversation that can help me understand what is going on. Thanks for any help.

11-12-2016, 08:04 PM
Hi welcome to the forum. It seems to me that you do have returning panic attacks in certain situation. Right now I do not envy you the situation in your country. You drive , you sense danger, you are in crowd it is the same. I think we have many people with the same symptoms, I have it,
Few years ago I had totalled my car on highway, it took me maybe 5 years to go back on highway. Every time I go over 130 km /h, I start to panic.
Just to be save have you asked for blood test, to make sure that your RCC is ok, and you do not get hypoglycemia?
It looks to me like anxiety. We all have it, I can seat in my room searching the internet when I get this weird hearbeat fast, it feels like a bird in a cage, bum bum bum, it passes eventually but it is scary. I guess many others have this too.
I was 15 when i went throug many test due the constant "ball" in my throat, finally the docs came to conclusion that I am anxious and it is one of the symptoms, I still have it almost 5 decades and I am alive and kicking. You need a bit of support and understanding what is going on with you. We do have many sticky threads , maybe you should look at the ones with a lot of replies :))

try to think nicely about your muscles in the neck, I know it sound stupid but sent the muscles positive thoughts. Tell your body how much you love it, It will help you to relax :) you are the boss of the body tell what you want ;)

11-12-2016, 10:08 PM
Hi Josh and welcome :)