View Full Version : Saint John's Wort

11-11-2016, 09:16 AM
I told a friend of mine from Europe about my anxiety disorder and he recommended Saint John's Wort. I researched it thoroughly online. There seems to be a little bit of evidence that it helps with mild depression but no evidence it helps with anxiety. However there are hundreds of testimonials where people say how much it has helped with both depression and anxiety.

I am on Day 3 of taking SJW as recommended on the bottle. I know it says to give it a week but I can swear I feel differently.

One thing that is interesting and concerning is the label says not to take it along with SSRI medication. That is somewhat convincing that it does *something*.

I am also a little worried about taking too many supplements now. I am up to Vitamin D, 5-HTP, SJW, Magnesium, Omega 3, Apple cider vinegar. Not to mention lots of Camomille tea.

11-11-2016, 10:14 PM
Is that why your name is Teafrenzy?

11-12-2016, 03:28 AM
lol - Hi Tea frenzy. I looked down that road before. Nothing beats trying it out for yourself. Have you read about the side effect of Light Sensitivity (https://www.google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1AVNE_enAU680AU680&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=St+John%27s+wort+light+sensitivity). (photodermatitis - skin becomes sensitive to light - also perhaps the eyes as well.)

I mean in now way to imply that you will come across that yourself. I only mention it as I seem sensitive to various reactions myself. More so with prescriptions drugs. So in that light (pun intended) I take my hat off to you with the supplementation; especially the herbal teas. Lemon Balm Leaves with Lavender flowers worked REALLY WELL for me. I use to grow them and other herbs in a back yard I rented years ago.

I'm right into a health kick myself ... more like a lifestyle change that I am now two years into. I have discovered that I work much better getting as many vitamin and minerals from a plant based diet. That way I need very little if any supplementation at all. Herbal tea is all I ever have when I entertain the idea of a "cuppa" with a little raw honey, although many herbalist will tell you and I pretty much agree ... the best herbal teas are those with fresh herbs and as little additives (such as honey) ... also being in a clean state of body and mind really helps to feel the benefits. The latter is why many people disregard natural remedies; they are simply too sick to feel any kind of change taking place.

There are so many variables - state of health, synergy (mixing/combining) hours between consumption, level of dose, strength used, and so on. Supplementation is as grey an area as pharmaceutical medicine, which is why I now source all my vits and mins as close to the source as I can get. Bio-photons ... Energy straight from the SUN - then into the Plants. Then of course how we choose to process what eat after that can also affect in much the same way I mentioned the variables.

Srry to go on ... Is good to read up on others who are looking into natural alternatives. I highly recommend learning how to take supps. 90% of the people taking them are not reaping anywhere near the benefits that are claimed on the packages/bottles and overloading on vits and mins can tax the body despite claims of no harm. Overdosing On Supps is a big issue these days ... is all over Google if you know what to search for. Key words just dropped.

It can get very complex these days with all they hype and marketing - another reason that Bio-Photon (http://alternativa-za-vas.com/en/index.php/clanak/article/biophotons) sourcing is the way for me. I generally consume this way when I use my cold press juicer. Pressing fresh vegetables ... especially the leafy greens!!! Other ways is all the soaking - predigesting and bla bla bla ...

You have inspired me to start using fresh herbs for my teas once more. Takes more time, but MAN OH MAN ... heaps better and I can fell the benifits straight away. In fact I got some ginger, I go make a mild ginger tea ... let it cool and then add half a lemon.

Best of luck with St Johns Wort and all the other sups. Just look into the effects and if unsure ... dial back to using one type at a time so you can better guage the effects as trail them one by one ... just a suggestion if you get stuck or become unsure ... good luck at any rate.

11-12-2016, 04:21 PM
Yeah D. You bit me to it, I wanted to post it but , you had done it so nicely:))

11-13-2016, 09:18 PM
Talked to a pharmacist today and he said SJW is actually classified as an SSRI. It's powerful stuff. That's why so many drug interactions. Doctors in Europe actually prescribe it first over so many non-herbal meds.
I read on the package that it may interfere with a drug I take (Imuran) so I need to double check with my doctor.

11-14-2016, 12:52 AM
Personally St. johns wort gives me HUGE mood boosts it definitely feels like an anti depressant. The mood boosting qualities stay well after I discontinue as well. I don't know that it decreases my anxiety at all though.

11-14-2016, 03:33 PM
Got the green light from my doctor to try it. I tried it two days ago and then discontinued so Im excited to give it a week.

11-14-2016, 03:43 PM
I hope it works well for you! I wish more people would try it before prescription medication, I love the stuff.

The Intolerable Kid
11-15-2016, 06:48 AM
Speaking for myself only, I never derived any noticeable benefit from it. However, everyone is different and as noted by others in the thread SJW can have positive effects. Good luck to you.

11-15-2016, 07:15 AM
I remember Forwell was on it for years. Sometimes it helps sometimes it does not ......

11-19-2016, 09:47 PM
Ok I have been taking the Wort for around a week (took it for 2 days...stopped..then took it for 5 going back to Tuesday).

I have no idea if this is the wort, But i have noticed a drop in my anxiety and depression. I can now watch movies again on my tv. (I used to watch them only on a laptop, because I couldn't handle the light and flashes with my anxiety).

12-05-2016, 09:38 PM
Today I had this floating, euphoric feeling. I realized I was taking both Saint John's Wort and 5-HTP. I double checked and it says not to mix due to risk of Seratonin Syndrome. I am stopping the SJW now.

Should I be worried? Took SJW and 5HTP for 3 weeks.

12-05-2016, 10:02 PM
Today I had this floating, euphoric feeling. I realized I was taking both Saint John's Wort and 5-HTP.

*starts taking SJW and 5-HTP* ;) But seriously, I wouldn't worry about those.

12-07-2016, 11:05 AM
Always consult with a DR before starting herbal supplementation for any type of mental health condition!

12-07-2016, 12:11 PM
Always consult with a DR before starting herbal supplementation for any type of mental health condition!

I know I was foolish. But I felt a lot better taking SJW. But sometimes a little too good. I blamed the mood swings on my anxiety.

I stopped the SJW now. I only take 5-htp.