View Full Version : Tingling sensations after MRI with contrast, worried about gadolinium poisoning

11-02-2016, 06:30 PM
Hi all,

I had an MRI of my head done three days ago because I have a persistent headache that never goes away. They didn't check my blood or urine, instead they simply had me fill out a questionnaire / waiver. They injected me with contrast, and I didn't have any side effects at the time. However, yesterday, I started getting random tingling sensations in different parts of my body. Most of it was around my feet area, however I also had some around my elbow, armpits, and also my nose and the top of my head. I read online that the contrast has long term side effects, apparently it is possible for the gadolinium in the contrast to be retained in your body, and not be flushed out. I also read that if you have bubbly urine, then there may be something wrong with your kidneys. I do remember having urine that is more bubbly lately, and the painful tingling symptoms described matches what I am feeling now. I read that later on, there could also be other symptoms like chronic pain and painful skin rashes. In the worst case, there is a condition called nephrogenic systemic fibrosis which is fatal.

Today, I still felt the tingling, but it feels more prickly now. It is as if somebody is poking various parts of my body with a pin. I have had tingling from anxiety before, and this definitely feels like something different. I also noticed that there are two brown spots in my left eye, which could be another symptom of gadolinium poisoning. I am worried sick, and have talked to two doctors but they dismissed me without giving me a urine test to test for levels of gadolinium and to check my kidney functions. I feel like I have no choice but to wait until my symptoms worsen before talking to another doctor. Also, I am going on a 10-day vacation to another country starting next week, and am not sure if I will be able to get any medical care if anything happens.

Has anybody had any experience with the MRI contrast, and feelings of tingling afterwards, or any other strange sensations? Does it normally get better or worse?

Another reason that I am worried is because I had the MRI done at late night. They tell you to drink lots of water in the next 24 hours to flush the contrast out. However, because it was late night, I didn't get a chance to drink and urinate before falling asleep, and only urinated after waking up. I feel so stupid, I should have simply refused the contrast if I wasn't sure of the long term effects, but I didn't.

11-02-2016, 07:30 PM
Welcome to the forum. I had a brain MRI Halloween 2007 with and without contrast and I also did not drink a lot of water after the MRI. I was told that Gadolinium was pretty safe overall with little risk. I would monitor your symptoms and if they worsen, call your physician right away.

11-02-2016, 08:56 PM
When I had MRI I was ok for three days and then I started to panic, like you, it passed eventually. You could make an app with doc and check it up , just to be safe

11-03-2016, 06:17 AM
Thanks, I think I will have to see a doctor sometime this month, perhaps after my vacation though. My only hope is that my symptoms don't worsen while I am on vacation, when it could be hard to get medical attention.

04-10-2017, 04:28 PM
I had MRI in Dec,2016 and developed tingling/pins and needle direclty after the MRI! and the next day i developed pain in my feet! and pelvic floor and my buttocks! i didn't know that MRI caused me this until i've done another MRE with gadolinium contrast in April,2017! The same symptoms happened again(burning,tingling,itch) and the muscle weakness! and whenever i tell the doctors they think it's weird!until i searched online and found alot of people affected by the same symptoms! i even had blood discharge after urinating after both MRI with contrast! it cause muscle weakness!