View Full Version : Several nightmares in one night!

10-30-2016, 02:06 AM
So tonight I had several nightmares and they were all different it was terrible and it never happened to me.

The first one was about a friend that creates a YouTube channel and gets more subscribers that me although I'm uploading videos a year now (I'm really sad that no one watches them and that I got a channel is real and I got another friend who has also a channel and 30 subscribers more than me and he began later, in the dream it was another person).
After that I went back to sleep and dreamed that someone was in my house and that I one day decided to film it and he went into me room while I was there and did nothing but when I was looking at the footage he stabs me and I screamed so bad and in so much agony that im really disturbed.
The third one is that were at my sister b-day party and after a while my mother said that someone in our family has cancer and I panicked as I get anxious when I hear about illnesses and stuff.
The last one happened with someone I don't know, so I was with someone and he was breaking stuff on the street and disturbing people, the last one the other person touched something in a unknown house and a man comes aut and runs after him while I was neutral bc I didn't do anything. But when I was waking away he looked at me really mad and I tried to run away but I also tried to wake up but I could my eyes were like glued together.

And now I'm anxious for 30 minutes straight on without it getting away also a wears feeling in my stomach and difficult breading, anxiety I guess. I also want to cry all the time for no reason.... I think this fucked me up...

So I wrote this to ask I that happened to anyone else? Or do you know why it happened? Was It because of anxiety?

Thank you for your attention.

10-30-2016, 02:39 AM
Hey Marc,

Yeah I get some pretty nasty dreams from time to time. Hope you're starting to feel better. Maybe listen to some music?

All the best,
Gypsy x