View Full Version : Is this really anxiety??
10-25-2016, 12:29 PM
Hi everyone. I am new to this forum and have been through the ropes with physical anxiety symptoms. My anxiety is based around health anxiety. Ive had every symptom from heart palps, chest pain, head pressure, tingling arms, burning stomach, heart burn, etc. For the last two weeks however, ive had this strange burning/icy hot type feeling in my chest that comes and goes. Sometimes it feels like my chest is sun burnt and other times it feels like its deep within me. I am on Nexium and know what heartburn feels like, it is not that. Has anyone ever experienced this? I had an EKG done recently and blood work which was normal. Any help would be appreciated, this feeling is terrifying.
Welcome to the forum. It may be stress related, but it may not be a bad idea to describe your symptoms to your physician.
11-20-2016, 06:28 PM
I have what you're describing with the chest feeling weird on the inside like temp wise etc
It's high anxiety...
11-25-2016, 05:32 PM
Yea - every time I go for a run too close to eating. Maybe I should see a physician? Long term use of Nexium
BTY - Nexium inhibits nutrient absorption. Your physician is probably well aware of that fact, but since they get bonuses for the amount of packet they push, they don't really advertise that fact.
Drop the weight and start eating healthy, then you won't need Nexium. If your not over weight, you certainly skinny fat as someone taking Nexium. The physician will only end up giving you meds, but then perhaps that's all you want?
YEA - I feel like that all the time when not eating right, or letting myself fall into a sedentary lifestyle and just giving up on life in general. Millions of us do. How active are you? How much do vegetables and fruits make up you meal Vs the amount of processed foods and meat? What country do you live in? How much time do you spend outside? How old are you? What's your background - past trauma history and what not? There's generally a LOT we can all do before willy nilly turning up to expect some doc with a magic pill to fix us. The latter will most certainly lead into more medications and regular comeback visits.
PS - Contrary to marketed perceptions - Anxiety is not the cause of ones dysfunction and nor is it something that can be cured. Your local physician will however be sure to market the drugs for the rich corporations - because that's all doctors really know. Puppets on strings.
Welcome to the forum. ;)
1st and foremost - Look after your health yourself ... try and leave the doctors for emergencies only. Google pretty much has most of the answers most of us need. More so for those that know how to use it. Not some random pedantic search. Those kinds lead physicians to rolling their eyes once you give in and end up at the medical centre in some kind of a panic.
11-25-2016, 06:50 PM
May I sign under Ponder post? He said it all :)
BTW welcome to the forum.
Their are no such things as cure all's. Nexium depletes B-12. so it would be a good idea to supplement with that.
GERD can exist with minimal symptoms and cause big problems. None of us are physicians on this forum that I
know of, so be careful before you follow the advice of a novice. Maybe see a natural physician or pharmacist.
Self diagnosis is dangerous, so be sure to contact a health care professional.
Many diseases have no symptoms, so it is good to get your blood tested annually.
Medicine is necessary in certain circumstances, so anyone that tells you differently is not dealing with a full deck.
11-26-2016, 02:51 AM
Doctors have trouble dealing with the core issues, but are great in dealing with and creating symptoms.
Poor diddums ... I think someone is now starting to talk out their
Don't worry about our resident nutter - He's due for his next shot of tranquilizers shortly.
He likes trying on the white coat and stethoscope from time to time and has been frequently found to cross dress as a nurse; but that's OK ... we accept everyone here.
Love you Kirk.
According to Ponder, physicians really don't know much of anything. Physicians create symptoms? Humbug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
silver lining
11-27-2016, 08:26 AM
My anxiety is focused around choking on food or trouble swallowing in general. Weird huh? I only recently developed this problem about 3 months ago after I had a really bad breakup with gf of 8 years. I have recently found a natural-pathic doctor trained in Chinese medicine. Very good stuff, highly recommend. Also I have taken the time to study up on nutrition and meditation (self hypnosis more specifically).
A bad break up like you had can cause all kinds of stress. I am glad you are feeling better.
11-28-2016, 08:21 PM
Doctors are very smart, trust me... They don't go to all that school for nothing.....
11-29-2016, 06:00 PM
Today i had my app with my psychiatrist, she told me that she knows it is doctors fault to cause so many unnecessary side effects. She knows about prescribing too many pills, We had a conversation about anxiety attacking younger least mine is smart, and she does not offer script all the time
She asks me if I need the medication or do not.....
11-29-2016, 07:13 PM
Good for you taking the time to learn for yourself. Nutrition is something very lacking in today's medical field ... and for good reason; they like their patients to keep coming back.
Sounds to me your on a good track to self healing. :) Is very refreshing to read up on others looking into ways to heal themselves. That takes a lot of effort and also a lot of guts. Most people today that want to help themselves without the need for medical intervention are seen as outsiders ... seen as radical.
Welcome to the club of radicals :) D is also nuts. hehehe Just kidding D.
11-29-2016, 08:47 PM
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeee not kidding I Am nuts!!! crazy
11-30-2016, 11:21 AM
Psychiatrists are doctors.
11-30-2016, 01:20 PM
Psychiatrists are doctors. They just deal with chemicals. They too are as much a puppet as your average GP. Those on the front line that make any kind of tangible difference are the therapists that help people deal with the core issues. Your average therapist should be allocated more power than your average white coat. Although they themselves are part of the revolving door/self perpetuating system, they tend to be in a better position to know the client much better than some turkey with invested interested and egos to match thier PHDs.
Doctor ...Pfft...Is like a phrase that people ware like a badge? A rather plasticy looking badge by today’s standard. Overrated and most certainly does not carry the respect it once did. Those days are long gone!
Trust me - I have a PHD in this field myself and so does D!
11-30-2016, 04:20 PM
I think they are cyborgs :))
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