View Full Version : WALKING DEAD - Penny for your thoughts?

10-24-2016, 04:01 AM
I can tell you this much - He looks different with his skull half cracked open and one eye popped out, whilst mumbling that he is not afraid of the guy clubbing him to death ... He ends up a torso with a flat head ... among others who are also clubbed to death. (Thought I would spare you those photos - is now embedded in our heads)


We'll give it one more episode. My wife and I are hardcore fans - but if it continues with the extreme contrasting for an artsy pop culture fansy assed over dramatic effect... we are calling it quits. (That's been another boring aspect of the show in the previous seasons ... long drawn out bonding sessions ... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ)

I think the only fans left are psychopaths themselves; most cheering on the clubber.

For us ... it's not a case of "oh my favorite character died off" - But more the desensitization to a new sick level of violence, the constant Villains with "Oh look at the size of my dick!" ... and bla bla bla ... is actually getting quite booooooring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The contrast is too extreme. Quite a mind fuck really. The producer is like slapping the viewers in the face with the constant extremes, knowing well that people are addicted to this kind of shit. You only have to google where you see people asking themselves why they are still watching this shit. Hmmmm - Interesting fact in itself. I guess it's the same as why people complain about rape scenes, but yet sit there and watch the full scene. I should not eat this, but for whatever sick reason ... it feels good? The Dark Side I guess.

Seems to be what Walking Dead is serving up. Those that favor the clubber ... well ... that about sums up the mentality that's left to support the show.

Just my opinion though ... thankfully my wife's too. Something we finally agree on. :)

Walking Dead seems to of really gone to shit.
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I can't believe we are giving it one more viewing. I suspect it will be a boring artsy bonding session to still contrast the extreme violence and the clubber will continue to wave his dick around. Like I said - ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Just like the Governor all over again (different back story - but same posturing ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz) more extreme scenes to leave people disturbed in their sleep.

I actually lol as my mate reckons he has to double up on his zanax after watching each ep. He is ringing in the morning to advise if he is still watching. I thought he was a hard core fan too. Nice to know he is not a psycho clubber fan. :)
Truly ... I think the show has gone to shit.

Night Night ... Sweet Dreams.

10-24-2016, 05:57 AM
I've never watched even one episode of that show and I don't think I'll start. I absolutely love Game of Thrones though, so it's not the violence that puts me off.. It always just sounded trashy to me.

I just finished Season 4 of Orange is the New Black which isn't the classiest of series but it has some amazing moments. The insight into people's lives is brilliant.

Night Ponder :)

10-24-2016, 03:28 PM
Yea. It's one of those shows that you would have to watch in order to find the story amoungst the trash. The violence (as commonly sold) is not the off putting aspect, as Violence and Sex is pretty much main stream for a quick fix. It's in ALL the TV shows these days. It's more the Dark Nature to the show in how the producer gets inside peoples heads and what he/she does from there.

Walking Dead started off pretty good IMO and I was fairly skeptic when it started, thinking it was just another trashy series ... like the MANY that abound today. Game Of Thrones is fairly light hearted (by comparison) and I like that about that series. Very Good Watch and I'll be watching that one all over again ... back to back.

For those of us that watched Walking Dead - and had fun sifting through the trash - :) - avoiding the rape gangs and brain munchers - loving the bonding sessions and what not ... I got say, the later seasons have been as much a let down as the Red Wedding in Game of thrones ... like 10 time worse and has resulted in ten times less fans as Game Of Thrones did killing off of Fav Chars.

I hear what your saying about those insights ... is a skill for a writer to reveal in a way that keeps my interest without making me fall to sleep. Walking Dead started to lose the plot taking like a whole episode to reveal such insights into one character at a time. Very very slow - Game Of Thrones actually got a bit like that at times ... but thankfully picked back up the story line and started to move again. Thank Goodness for that.

Thx for your response ... I ended up having a good nights sleep. :)

10-25-2016, 11:08 AM
I agree I loved the show and I still love the world they have created but shit do they ever drag some stuff on and then give us 1 intense episode in every 10 to keep us hanging on.

11-01-2016, 02:15 PM
I work at a crisis stabilization unit and IMHO I think shows like this help contribute to anxiety. Also not a fan of ID t.v. which investigates murder or anything dealing with deal and gore. It's challenge to deal with day to day life, but this is not very comforting or relaxing to watch,

11-01-2016, 04:40 PM
Yea, you don't need to be a psycho therapist to pick up on the negative vibes WD creates :) The next episode was rather good - BUT - it's a roller coaster ride that seems to be loosing quite a few fans. It's seems to be about hooking people with shock & horror followed with blissful bonding sessions where attachments are formed and then your character is then brutlally murdered. From there the process is repeated and rinsed.

The last ep really made me think about the realities of our world and once I could see past the shocking images from the previous eps, I could see that many of the quotes used where very powerful and applicable to the real world. None the less ... if they persist in with ripping out the hearts of viewers they way they have been ... I think I will join my friend and give the show up ... BUT ... if they follow up with more episodes like that last, I will hang about just for the quotes:

I'm always chopping and changing with how I think ... is good to keep an open mind. I still don't like how dark it's become. I am hoping that whole deal with Negan killing off favourite characheter in the gruesome way he did did is the pinnacle of darkness Walking Dead intends to present ... and that things will take a turn for the better. I'll just have to keep watching to find out. lol

So True Fixmybrokenmind ... well said.

I'm the same with those Murder Investigations Series as well edvis.