View Full Version : ANIXETY FORUM REDIRECTION LOOP - Trouble Loading Page?
10-22-2016, 02:27 PM
Hi Guys, just wondering if others are having issues loading up the Anxiety Forum Web Page. The error often reads as a "Redirection loop" resulting in the forum page no longer loading.
It started off by loading the Index page, but when actually clicking on anyone’s thread, the Redirection Error would pop up locking me out. After a few goes, the Index Page would no longer load completely locking me out of the forum.
I got around this by using another web browser - BUT - eventually the same issue would arise in much the same fashion.
I have now have the error with Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explore and Microsoft Edge.
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Thankfully LINUX seems protected against this "mysterious" error.
One would think if it was Admin ... they could just easily ban my IP. So it is I really don't think it's the Admin ... however I wonder if it's some kind of Cyberattack on the Website itself? Hmmmm ... could be anything I guess.
Please do share if anyone has knowledge about this kind of thing.
10-22-2016, 02:30 PM
I tried this sometime back but still did not work ... perhaps I will give it another go, however LINUX seems so much easier than having to continually go through these kind of fixes:
Will try this once I am back in windows ... but won't hold my breath.
10-22-2016, 09:34 PM
Interesting. Thus far the above Fix (linked) seems to be working. HOWEVER, I have done this before. It was only a matter of time before the Redirection Loop error happened again. I will just surf around a bit, restart, log in a few times and jump in and out a few threads ... see what happens.
Given that this error spread across four different web browsers, I am going to assume the issue is on the server side and that this fix will be short lived.
I hope I am not right ... time to do some testing. ;)
10-24-2016, 04:42 AM
Pleased to say the fix seems to still be working. ;)
10-24-2016, 12:12 PM
I was suffering in it for years ;) remember when I was working on afternoons and could not load or post? In home no problem at all. I use CCcleaner to occasionally get rid of all that garbage
10-24-2016, 06:52 PM
Good Idea ... Yea I remember ... might run CC cleaner now myself. ;)
10-24-2016, 06:58 PM
U see you need complete dummy ( in computer knowledge) to remind you :)
I know you computer geek but sometimes people forget, I do delete everything in tmp or temp, software distribution, and prefetch. I also disabled Hibernate in my W7 to recover a lot of disk space ;)) I am not sure; are u on windows or Linux?
10-26-2016, 03:32 AM
Hi Dahila. I use both Linus and windows on the same system. Multiboot.
I have the same issue again and thought I would. The redirection keeps happening even when I fix it, which makes me question it being a server issue. Of course it only being me on my system also brings a little paranoia into it which makes me wonder why I bother to continue staying here if it's going to be like that all that time. Like what? Pffft ... I'm kind of over the error.
Anyways I will persist with emptying my cookies for a while yet. It's not normal to have to be doing it so often. Once again ... I'm over it.
10-26-2016, 07:33 AM
I had to remove firefox which i used for years due the redirecting loop and not opening pages I use for years. "your connection is not secure" I had read how fix it but it is too much to do with firefox becoming so bloated and slow. The crashings i had at least two or three in a week. I am using chrome for now but I am not really happy with it,
10-26-2016, 01:29 PM
:) My issue started with Chrome and has spread to four browsers; including Firefox. Firefox has. a very good reputation on Linux, but not so much on Windows. At any rate - given it is happening within a matter of days on all browsers, I agree it's a security issue regardless of whatever browser. If no one else if suffering the same attack, then it must be personal? BUT - that could just as easily not be the case. Just like rebirth - I have no real way of knowing. - How convenient. :)
If you know of a good mental health place online that I can keep a diary, please let me know. I know of none that are NOT moderated which is very annoying having to have each post "approved." I only wish if admin here do have issues with me, they would be upfront about it ... however I really don't want to entertain such thoughts as only develops a paranoia without really knowing what is going on. Other than that ... like I alluded to ... could be a personal ip attack? Again ... not worth entertaining. The best way is to ultimate find another place ... but I as you know I have tired so many times without success. You think this place is full of children; you should check out some of the others. SAS is like a kindergarten compared to here with so many oversewed BS self embedded labels just so that can take the easy way out ... pop goes another pill and the mill keeps turning. You know the drill.
SIGH - One day, I will find somewhere ... in the mean time I will put up with it in here. I'm used to appearing like an odd ball hermit with his seemingly addiction to keep a journal. Speaking of which I go read your feedback in there. :)
10-26-2016, 03:20 PM
D.. it is not personal attack I do assure you, I know it is easy to think like that but for me it was happening on IE in workplace, and I thought maybe it is restricted, but no it was not . It is something with server on which is our forum
I was using FF from v 12 and I am so frigging dissapointed now. I really do not like chrome. Opera was good years ago now it is slow like hell
10-26-2016, 04:43 PM
:) - I know what you mean. I agree. Is just how our minds sometimes think. Is what ever it is. Linux is Good :) Never had anything problems like so when logged in it.
10-26-2016, 07:37 PM
I had Ubuntu but somehow I always avoided to learn it, I am kind of worry that maybe linux is too difficult for me. What do you think D?
10-26-2016, 10:46 PM
Absolutely NOT. Now I know that statement can be subjective and totally respect that, as someone with his own learning difficulties ... BUT seriously Linux is much MUCH easier to navigate, install and use programs than all those years ago before Ubuntu. I highly recommend MINT Linux. There are tons of Youtube videos that show you can install along side your windows operating system. Just search How To Dual Boot Linux on Your PC.
Here is a link that explains it well enough. Despite the Windows being Win7 ... the process is pretty much the same. If you have ever heard of Windows Disk Manger and know how to get to it (win Key + X) then you will have no probs following a guide on how to shrink your windows drive in order to create a separate partition in order to install Linux for a dual boot.
If your interested ... I will seek out the appropriate Tutorial Vids & Web Pages. I will make is a separate post so that while you are installing onto the new partition (during the restart process) you can access the tutorials.
I know you are knowledgeable enough to follow that turorials in order to have a Multi Boot option. That will give you the best of both worlds ... Windows for your usual programs ... and LINUX for trouble free and much safer internet surfing. Great for shopping, personal information and a goto when windows browsers start #*&^ing up!!!
Leave it with me ... I talk more later. Would you be interested in a thread solely dedicated on HOW TO DUAL BOOT LINUX with Windows already installed??? I can add a few links of best Distros for beginners, however I highly recommend Linux Mint myself. It has a similar feel to windows in many respects.
Auto Updates - Desktop Management - easy explorer - power management - driver config and la la la ... right click menus and searchable data base to help you find things deeply embedded. You don't have to use the command promts any where near what was required in the past, however if and when needed ... YOUTUBE has it all there to show people step by step!
The availability of FREE software and the quality of it these days is unreal ... I still use windows most of the time for my media work, but I will never be without my LINUX Multi Boot ... it's simply to useful and I am still often logging into it to use office and surf the web uninterrupted. A lot less BS malware adds popping up ... no need to run virus scans and bla bla bla. It's a great place to search for torrent links wihtout copping a virus ... I end up getting the links sending them via email whilst in Linux ... I go back inot windows and then recieve the emials and open up my torrent program and bobs your uncle. I have all the links I need with next to no risk. If I did all that in windows and lucky enough to escape not getting a virus ... I would for sure at least have clogged up my cookies with a tone of BS ... you know how that works. Does not happen when I go into Linux to search for the hard to get stuff. Much snappier surfing as well.
Anyways the list of reasons to have a Linux Multi Boot is quite long ... I have some games that run much quicker on my laptop when I play them in Linux .. but that' s another story. Oh yea ... Steam on Linux runs pretty damn well. I know that may not interest you .. but I know it would others. There is quite a selection these days as well. No need for the old school wine install ... especially when you have a windows mutliboot option.
We catch up soon enough ... I feel like going for a run :) My keyboard also arrived ... Yippee!!!!!!!!!!
You interested in the details on HOW TO setup Dual Boot?
To simplify -
Create partition in Windows Disk Manager through shrinking the Windows Partition - (I will link step by step guide that will explain what kind of partition you need)
Guide on selecting Linux Distro for beginner ( I highly recommend Linux Mint [has a "windows" feel])
Where to source the Linux Image (software)
How to set up a Bootable USB (image too big for CD)
How to boot off USB during Restart
How to install
I came across a tutorial designed for Linux Mint that took me through the above process in it's entirety. I was surprised at how easy it was.
I only note that you need to go into you Bios (F2 or whatever your system one is) and work out if your system is UEFI ... Legacy is another term I need to check. Basically you just have to work out which bios setting to enable to the boot record works properly.
You can still install and do it successfully following that tutorials. If the setting is wrong ... all that happens if your PC wont boot. LMFAO ... BUT ... you just go back in and change the UEFI setting to which then on restart bios will then load the mutliboot option.
Those are the basics and with the avaiabilite of guides, you can use the key words from above and get more info. I even fisnished off with how to get the system to load up if your UEFI is not set correctly. I need to ready up more on that. Just restart your come and press either F1 - or - F2 or whatever it is for your system to bring up BIOS - go through and look at your settings searching for a UEFI mode or something like that ... read a little more about it ... When I go into mine I will remember what that issue was.
LOL - how you feeling about it now. heheheeee ... seriously ... DO IT ... you have the know how ... I know you do.
Let me know if you wont to source out a bunch of how to links ... I'll even find one regarding the UEFI mode for ensuring you have no boot issues. ;)
10-26-2016, 11:07 PM
In oder to fix my issue after installing Linux and then no longer being able to boot my computer:
All I had to do was go into my BIOS BOOT MENU and change it from Legacy to UEFI:
Once I did that - I rebooted and the loader then gave me an option to either boot into window or linux.
I suggest you find out if in fact your Computer has a UEFI option? If so Select it before you install linux. Then you will have no probs with a dual boot.
Mine is F2 ... when you start your com ... look for the prompts that tell you what to press in order to get into your BIOS ... let me know how you go. Take a few pics with your phone like I just did. :)
We can do this ... No probs! Look for Boot List Options and let me know what you find. Legacy / UEFI or the older EFI? If the older EFI ... we just need to research a little more .. if you have UEFI ... then you should be right to go. ;)
10-27-2016, 12:45 PM
the only problem my programs for business do not run on linux , Thank you will look for MInt yeah my friend just started to use it and he is happy with it. thnx
10-27-2016, 02:42 PM
The reason for having a Dual Boot Set Up is so we can still load into our Windows Operating System. Srry if I did not explain that properly. When your computer starts up, it gives you an option of which operating system you wish to load; Linux or Windows. You can still access all your business programs and whatnot in Windows OS, yet have the ability to load up Linux and enjoy the many freedoms it offers.
This morning I chose Linux not just because of the redirection issue I have been having in Windows, but because it loads so quick that by the time I poured myself a glass of water, Linux had loaded and will do everything I need it to do in less than half the time before I head out for my morning walk. Before I leave, I will most likely restart into windows which will probably require half my hours walking time to *&%$ing load. hehehe. (I've just been a little lazy on the maintenance side of things re Windows and have weight down the win sys with a LOT of resource hogging programs - Linux does not require anywhere need the amount of that BS and most of its software runs fairly seemless)
Whatever way you go ... it was enjoyable to go over the whole Linux topic once more.
TY : )
10-27-2016, 07:07 PM
Yes I know D. I had Ubuntu and windows, but somehow with the new computer I was so happy with W7 and I did not install it again. The subject is really interesting , I appreciate
11-10-2016, 02:52 PM
I got to thank you D. So glad you dropped the name CCleaner ( I've known and used it before so many times, but just been too lazy of late. CCleaner nails the redirection issue every time a s well as a lOT of other issues that crop up over time. You know how that is. Not sure why, but the FB website creates the redirection loop on few pages for me. I've run all the scans between CC, Malware byte and Avast. No matter, a quick scan of CC and all is good. I just use fb on a dedicated browser and don't use much. Might check now to see if your on. ;)
11-10-2016, 04:30 PM
oh avast, I do not use it anymore, it was giving that false warnings. for the last 7 or 8 years uzywam Nod 32 , platny ale nie tak duzo .
11-10-2016, 04:59 PM
:) they all do that these days. The advertising has infected even the antivirus. I find the paid once even worse for that kind of thing. Will look into the one you mention.
11-10-2016, 05:07 PM
D this is the only one i trust it, then I run also Malewarebytes pro edition :)
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