View Full Version : switching meds

10-22-2016, 10:57 AM
Hi All, I have had a relapse with my anxiety and some depression added in. I have decided to switch from Cymbalta to Lexapro. I have been on Lexapro before and it pooped out on me. I was told that after a long break from a med that it will most likely work again. Does anyone have experience with this? Or specifically experience switching from Cymbalta to Lexapro? I have only taken two doses of Lexapro at this point so not really expecting results yet but just curious. I was also told that I can just switch from one to the other, like completely stop the Cymbalta and start the Lexapro the same day. Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks in advance!

10-22-2016, 07:47 PM
I believe that if you are on an anxiety medicine for a long time, you will need to taper off slowly.

10-24-2016, 11:23 PM
I don't know about the lexapro, but I was on Cymbalta for almost a full month before I saw my new psych and switched meds. 4 days before I went to this new doctor I took the Cymbalta every other day. I noticed when I didn't take it I would jerk on the inside. Anywho, after seeing the new psych, she told me to just go ahead and stop taking the Cymbalta because I was only on 20 mg and hadn't been on it long. After a day or so I started jerking so bad on the inside that I couldn't do everyday activities. I called the new doctor and she told me just to start taking the Cymbalta again with the new medication she had put me on. She said I was withdrawing from it and we had to figure out another way to get me off of it. Mind you, I let the jerking crap go on for a week and it never let up. If you start having withdrawal symptoms then just call your doctor. Don't mean to scare you, just letting you know if you withdraw from it, it's normal!

10-25-2016, 12:13 PM
I don't know your answer but I do know if you switch from one SSRI to another, you're fine. Such as Zoloft to Lexapro to Prozac; they are all SSRI's. Cymbalta is an SNRI, so it's in a different class. The main point is to slowly decrease the one you don't want, and slowly increase the one you do want. If you need more help, then increase your dose of Lexapro. My brother takes 20 mg of Lexapro and I take 10 because I am sensitive to medications. If I wasn't, I sure would be taking 20 mg. I"m an anxious mess!