View Full Version : Maybe this will help your anxiety.

10-21-2016, 11:04 PM
Hey guys I know everyones different and for some this might not help, but I find when im overly anxious or having a panic attack just having something to keep my mind busy really helps out a lot. So I just spent the last hour or so uploading a bunch of pictures ive taken over the years, im really big into photography so I have a lot. But anyways I think the pictures I take are really beautiful and could very well have a soothing/calming effect for some. Theyre mostly pictures of nature, water, and animals, things that really calm me down, so I figured maybe theyd help some of you out too just by looking at something beautiful and getting a chance to get away from your ugly thoughts. Anyways I hope it helps, hope everyones having a good day/night.

10-23-2016, 06:43 AM
I always take a long drive when I feel overwhelmed. I'm getting better slowly as I work through a number of financial and emotional issues. I bought this tired old Toyota 4x4 a few years ago with the intentions of giving it to my son. He wasn't sure it would pass emissions in his state so I kept it. Back when I joined this site, I would put over 100 miles on that truck some days. it was like therapy to me, and if that little truck could talk it could tell my life's history. This past April, I gave it to my son. And it DID pass emissions!

10-23-2016, 05:07 PM
Haha thats awesome iron, I can imagine you probably felt a little upset you couldnt give it to him at first, even though he wasnt intentionally saying no because he didn't like it or something like that. I would personally feel bad if I got a gift for someone and couldnt give it to them. So im glad you ended up giving it to him. But yea I love to drive, I have a 2014 dodge avenger and have put 50,000 miles on it in the past two years lol.

10-23-2016, 05:45 PM
Distraction is the best solution, sometimes a think anxiety disorder evolved to get people to be more productive.

11-19-2016, 07:31 PM
Distraction is the best solution, sometimes a think anxiety disorder evolved to get people to be more productive.

Distraction + Confronting the root cause of anxiety

11-22-2016, 07:48 PM
I'd like to add nomorepanic: distraction + confronting the root cause of anxiety + working on the physiological aspects of your anxiety.

When anxiety progresses into a disorder, you need to take the time to allow your body to recover. A nervous system that has become stress response hyperstimulated will start producing all kinds of weird sensations and symptoms (e.g. Crazy thoughts, brain fog, fatigue, tingling, etc). These can happen to you even when you aren't thinking nervously/apprehensively. Daily relaxation times are a must, light to moderate exercise, deep breathing, epsom salt baths, healthy diet, protein in the mornings to help maintain blood sugar are all very helpful in recovery. Above all, patience is a MUST. It takes the body a long time to recover, but if you faithfully practice reducing your body's stress, your symptoms will improve and eventually be eliminated.

Once the body's symptoms are eliminated, working on your behaviors that led to the anxiety disorder are very important to lasting relief from anxiety disorder and preventing symptoms from returning. Working with a trained therapist is very helpful.

11-22-2016, 09:29 PM
I agree with all of that.

11-23-2016, 03:22 PM
Hobbes I couldn't agree more, an idle mind is a troubled mind. I started building a blog detailing my experiences with depression and anxiety, it ironically has kept me so busy that my depression and anxiety has gone down dramatically.

On days I wake up with nothing to do or no plans I always feel worse. Days I don't have to work are sometimes the worst days if I don't have something to keep me engaged.

Nature like you said is a fantastic outlet and a personal favorite of mine. I'm lucky to live in Canada where mountains, lakes, oceans, forest etc are in spades :D

01-11-2017, 11:57 PM
Definately jealous of you right now broken, wish I lived in canada, sadly im stuck in omaha nebraska on probation at the moment but it hasnt stopped me from finding beauty in everything I see. I agree having nothing to do can put a damper on things, my fiance takes the car at night so I have nothing to do and nowhere to go at literally the worst part of the day. From 5 pm to 3-4 am im alone, but as long as you keep busy its not so bad. I recently took up whittling and let me tell you its a great way to keep busy, at least for me anyways. I get so into all the intricate details and before I know it ive spent two hours whittling focusing intensely on what im creating. Also helps if you mess up you slice part of your finger off haha.

01-15-2017, 02:25 PM
I love looking at beautiful pictures :) Can you share your photos?