View Full Version : Anxiety attack after surgery.... help

10-19-2016, 05:19 AM

I'm currently experiencing some really bad anxiety attacks. I've had surgery 2 days ago to take out my inflamed appendix. During this time I was lacking sleep in the hospital, but nevertheless I was put to sleep, had my appendix had been taken out, and spent the night in hospital. The following day I was taken home and it's (now) time for bed. As soon as I lay down and close my eyes, my heart feels like its gong to die out and I begin having very bad, long-lasting anxiety attacks (I've been trembling for 20minutes). I don't want to go back to hospital because I fear that they will load me up with meds, ultimately causing more strain on the heart and I also can't sleep there. What should I do now?

I think my body's stress from surgery + intrusive thoughts are making me feel this way. I can barely write this message, shaking a lot

10-19-2016, 05:41 AM
I am not sure it is anxiety, it is rather residue left after Anastasia, Try to relax , meditate and you will be ok. Shaking is always for me while panic attack, You need to calm down. Please hook your headphone to youtube and find Guided meditaton by jOn Kabat Zinn. It will help, you do not have do anything just to listen to his voice and follow. I guarantee that you will calm down
Why are so scared of dying, dying is a part of our life and our life will end in dying, There is nothing you can do to change it. Instead of thinking about dying, start counting your blessings. You are in bed, look so many people do not have bed to lie down in. you have access to internet, millions of people do not have it. You can access any meditation or lecture you want. This is something I started to have as very mature woman. I got my first computer when I was 45, yeah it was long time ago:)
I have this irregular hearbeat and it frics me up, I do understand, The only thing is it is the meds I am off or the meds I am on. I have no idea but I have it for over 3 months and still kicking so maybe it will not kill us ;)) Calm down. Please consider meditation

10-19-2016, 10:21 AM
You may temporarily need meds if you are just recovering from a surgery. My friend had appendicitis caused by a drinking problem and he spent two weeks in the hospital and the fact is he had to temporarily take a lot of drugs

10-19-2016, 05:32 PM
Hey there,

Sometimes when you're really hypervigilant anxiety will increase when you try to sleep because your body thinks if it goes to sleep it will be eaten by a bear. Same thing with eating because it uses energy to digest food. After surgery your body is probably on high alert so you're getting bad anxiety. Take it easy and just rest.

Gypsy x

10-22-2016, 04:32 PM
Diet did a lot for me, given your appendix had major issues, I would assume there are major problems in the gut. There are some that believe the appendix is actually the lymph node for the bowel. Google appendix on the 'raw figs' search engine.

I hope this gives you some idea's, Morse helped me a lot.

10-22-2016, 07:42 PM
If you are feeling poorly, it may not be a bad idea to call your physician and explain your symptoms and concerns.