View Full Version : Wellbutrin/Pristiq Combination?

10-16-2016, 05:36 PM
I'm currently taking 300mg Wellbutrin and 5mg Cipralex. I'm very sensitive to these types of medications, hence the low dosage on Cipralex although my doctor would like to up it to 10mg, which I was open to but not anymore due to over 20lbs weight gain since starting on Cipralex at the end of last year. I'm REALLY not happy with the weight gain especially after losing almost 50lbs by January 2016. She knows of my concerns, and has suggested switching to Prozac but I'm not keen on this as it's an SSRI and from what I understand, these types of medications are more than likely to indirectly cause weight gain. I have been reading up on SNRI and considering Pristiq? I looked at Effexor and Cymbalta but read several comments of people gaining weight from these medications although I know that everyone is different. I had good success with Wellbutrin, once the awful side effects wore off, and it helped me to lose the almost 50lbs as I wasn't craving certain foods, and have an increase in appetite.

I have suggested pairing Buspar, and Cymbalta with Wellbutrin to my doctor but she told me that they have more side effects. However, if I need to than I will be persistent in having her let me try it but I don't want to experience a lot of side effects but if it will help me lose the weight that I have gained while on Cipralex, and get my body back to where it was, than I will take it.

What are your thoughts on pairing Wellbutrin with Pristiq? And would you agree with me not wanting to take Prozac?


10-16-2016, 07:53 PM
I guess the Wellbutrin is treating the depression, and you need something to help with anxiety? Is that why you need Cipralex or something similar. We are all different, but Prozac did seem to increase my appetite, so now I like Lexapro. Buspar did not have any negative effects on my appetite but I had to take small amounts since it gave me insomnia so it wasn't effective for me.

I don't know about Cymbalta. With these medications it's trial and error and they seem to affect different people differently. For example, 150 mg of Wellbutrin kept me awake for over 48 hours.

10-16-2016, 07:54 PM
I need to add I crave sweets, so that is a problem for me with these medications. So, I finally had to give up sweets and I never eat anything like cakes, ice cream, etc.

12-23-2016, 01:21 PM
I need to add I crave sweets, so that is a problem for me with these medications. So, I finally had to give up sweets and I never eat anything like cakes, ice cream, etc.

Hi Anne1221,
It's been a while since I have been on the forums but I was wondering how you are doing with not eating sweets. Are you noticing a difference in weight?

I am new to this forum, and found this site after doing some research on AD's, and weight gain. Here is my dilemma.

Since I was last on, I switched from Cipralex 5mg to Pristiq 50mg but my weight is not budging. I have lost a 1-2lbs but that's about it. I have been feeling very uncomfortable in the weight that I gained. I just want to mention that I lose close to 50lbs over the course of a year while taking only Wellbutrin 300mg before my doctor decided to add Cipralex but I could tell that I needed something more. Pristiq has curbed some of my appetite, and cravings but I still get them from time to time but nothing compared to Cipralex. However, the weight is very noticeably. I am VERY uncomfortable, upset, and feeling really bothered by it. I feel discouraged.

I also want to mention that I haven't been able to much physical activity because I have a concussion. It's been almost a month so it's been tough but I try, and watch what I eat although there are times when I'm not hungry, and don't eat much, and then there are moments where I might indulge on a few pieces of something, i.e., chocolate. I have been drinking smoothies for breakfast ~ fruit, Greek yogurt, coconut water, hemp seeds, ice but I know that there is a lot of sugar in fruit so I need to be careful with this. It's frustrating because I was doing so well when I had the mindset to get healthy, and take better care of me. I was feeling great, and receiving a lot of compliments.

I don't know what to do. I am really frustrated, and feeling depressed about the 23lbs weight gain. I don't feel comfortable at this weight, and my clothes don't fit. I am 5'5, and would like to weight between 135-140lbs, which is a healthy, and realistic weight goal. When I was on Wellbutrin alone, I got down to 147lbs by January 2016. I started the Cipralex the week of Christmas 2015, and started to notice the weight gain during the 2nd-3rd week of January. I don't want to keep going through this. It's hard mentally, emotionally, and physically to lose weight, then gain it back.

The only thing that I can think of is taking Wellbutrin on it's own but I know that I need something else. I hate this. I don't want every year to go by, and to be struggling with my weight.

12-23-2016, 01:59 PM
Hi Anne1221,
The only thing that I can think of is taking Wellbutrin on it's own but I know that I need something else.

Have you tried taking a higher dose to see whether Wellbutrin alone could do the job fully? The recommended daily maximum is 450 mg.

Zoloft® (sertraline) is generally the SSRI least likely to trigger weight gain, though individual responses vary greatly so YMMV. I think it a better bet than Pristiq® (desvenlafaxine), which despite the SNRI label, is only a weak norepinephrine, aka noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor, as is its parent Effexor® (venlafaxin), so really only acts as a SSRI, especially at low doses.

You should also consider making exercise a part of your daily routine. Not only will it help you control your weight, but it is also beneficial for anxiety and depression as it also stimulates the growth of new brain cells in the two hippocampal regions of the brain which is the mechanism by which antidepressants (and therapy) are thought to work their magic. You don't need to run a daily marathon, or lift weights at a gym. A good 30 minute walk 4-5 times a week can make a big difference.