View Full Version : I'm so sick of people today!

The Scottish Pedro
10-13-2016, 03:12 PM
Not available

10-13-2016, 06:50 PM
Hey there :)

I dislike most "normal" people as well. As we speak I'm stuck in a motel room which means I have to go outside to smoke and there's always people out there. I get bad anxiety in the mornings (and my anxiety would be classed as social) so it's like torture having no privacy. Yes I know smoking is bad and most people hate it but one of the great joys of my own house is being able to have a damn cigarette inside! Right now there's about six people having a barbecue a few metres from me at 11am ugh.

Anyway, sorry to use your post to whinge and thanks for sharing your story. You write well, which is rare in itself. I hope you don't get any grief from people here. This forum is unmoderated so it's like the Wild West of Anxiety LOL but I've found it works really well and people are generally respectful of each other. We have the occasional drama but that's life and people will always have different viewpoints to our own.

As for sites like Facebook, I rarely comment on any public pages because you inevitably get into arguments and it's a complete waste of time and energy. Sometimes I leave a controversial comment and I always end up regretting it because I get all these notifications of angry responses. I think people pick fights online because they have all this pent-up anger which they can't express in their real lives. I've been using the internet since 1997 and I learned pretty quickly that arguing online was absolutely pointless.

All the best,
Gypsy x

10-14-2016, 02:31 AM
Yeah Melbourne is apparently going to be bigger than Sydney in about ten years. My favourite Australian musician is definitely Nick Cave.. I'm sure you would have heard of him? He's lived in England for quite a while now but he's originally from here.

I don't have autism but I'm very empathic and sensitive. I find most people either "apathic" (just don't care) or sociopathic/psychopathic. The latter would definitely punch you in the chest for fun if you said you had a pacemaker haha.

10-15-2016, 07:57 PM
Hey again..

Sorry I'm going to use your post to vent again. I'm still at this damn motel and I am utterly sick of people! I mean the kind of "normal" people who make a lot of noise and get together in large groups. I'm about to get in my car and go for a long drive just to get some peace.

This planet has too many humans on it!!

10-17-2016, 11:05 PM
I don't really have a phobia of meeting people (unless my anxiety is bad). I just need a lot of personal space and for the last ten days or so I haven't had much at all. I got home this afternoon though and I don't think I've ever appreciated this place as much since I first moved in! (after living in share accommodation). This is bliss having my own space again and it's a nice little house.

10-18-2016, 05:55 PM
I'm lucky in that I have my own place (my dad owns it and I'm paying him off). It's right near the freeway, which I absolutely hate (the traffic actually woke me up this morning) but when I look at the price of rentals I count my blessings. I think the whole species is in a rut LOL and human beings aren't meant to spend their lives working so they can buy useless crap and then die in a nursing home. The opening scene of Trainspotting says it all pretty much.


10-18-2016, 07:42 PM
I also have issues with people sometimes. I think many people lack empathy for others.

10-18-2016, 08:43 PM
Oh my goodness, yes. I have been so bothered this past year by people who totally lack empathy and are just oblivious to hurting others or the suffering of others. It stands out to me so much because I am so empathetic.

salvator here
08-27-2020, 06:32 PM
I try my best to avoid contact with people these days as much as possible, I see people as energy drainers. I just remain cordial with people I come in contact with. I find things better that way for my well being.

08-29-2020, 08:06 PM
I do have problem with some people, The toxic ones, Honestly I feel the best here in computer room or in my garden, watching the nature, My garden is really busy lately :)

salvator here
08-29-2020, 09:19 PM
Yeah, the toxic ones are sometimes hard to avoid these days. I recall a time when people were nicer and more considerate, but times have changed, and I feel not so much for the better and people lack humility. That being said.. I hold tight to the phrase, 'what goes around - comes around'.

I agree...my computer and music are the air I breathe. I'm learning to embrace the solitude :-)

08-30-2020, 03:30 PM
Sal solitude is when we can find relieve, Why the heck people are so scared of being alone, Do they really think that being in crowd will help them to suppress the loneliness? I had not gone to the party in the last probably 7 years and do not miss it at all

salvator here
09-28-2021, 09:14 AM
"The Air I Breathe" is a song by the Hollies, that was later covered by the band, Simply Red. ;).....:cool:

10-12-2021, 06:23 PM
Best I can do is ride with the Babylonian Concept being right up at the top with the emphasis on personal wealth being the 1st point of corruption and thus the antithesis in needing police whom are only in service to protect the most selfish of all. In symbolic terms, that is how one can see such uniforms. Generally presented in a military presence rather than the preconditioned perspective of comm-unity. Welcome to the reality of human society. Nothing much has changed - except the color of the uniforms:

Depending on how old one may be, seeing the evolution of the police uniform says quite a lot about where society be. Whilst some may reason there are good cops and bad cops, I would reason the style of uniform and the expressions that follows them says more:


Unfortunate this is not how police present outside their facilities and on the streets. Times have changed:


So much so that even when there is no protest - the following is pretty much how police now walk the streets when no trouble is in sight:


Now whilst the winners of society support this presence - and despite my own history with police and prisons - I objectively see how it is becoming more fashionable for the young ones to strut their stuff like so. I don't blame them personally as whilst at times I am only human and struggle not to judge, if your going to pick a side, why not pick one with a gun and combat vests? Like when they go home you can be sure many of them play FPS (First Person Shooters) - Not all - but many do. In fact that is how the US trains many of its own.

I cross the street at the best of times to avoid people. I most certainly do it when I see police. I want them to know I am afraid of them. I want them to know people fear them more than they do respect them. To be sure I will call upon them if I am attacked, but I don't kid myself about what they really represent in terms of society and where it is at. See below:


The thing is - whilst I would love to revisit the preconceived idea that the police are there to protect and serve the community - the way they now present in everyday goings ons reflects very much the dysfunction in society. The young ones strutting about all caught up with guns on hips and all the paraphernalia and additional weaponry attached so fashionably are not the only ones. You get well educated psychopaths joining up that are solely recruited to inflict harm. The endcotination today within said services is very much militarized and markets as fashionable. You get to be a warrior without having to go off to war. You can do it in your everyday job. That's just the recruitment side and how it';s done and why you end up with all sorts - but over all they are very much being trained to inflict harm more than anything else. De-escalation programs take second fiddle and in fact is seen as weak in today's services which make no mistake are now trained as 'forces' The culture behind it is problematic to say the least. Imo it feeds the nature of the beast and is how we end up with staring competitions on the front of protest lines which brings out the evil on all sides.

Sigh -

10-12-2021, 06:29 PM
another image that depicts well the ethics with today's police force being the same in every nation across the world:


I think many of them become disenchanted later on, like soldiers who question what they do in the heat of things or church goers who question what it is they are being taught. That's pretty much my take on all things police in a world that was derailed since the inception of the economy and personal wealth all the way back to babylon. The most selfish of all will do what they can to keep us all hemmed in with such services that have now had to become a full time militarized force.

Is what it is ... nothing personal. Don't go to protests ... don't jump in the ring ... don't empower those that vote for such things. Do not participate on any level ... do not play the game. That is what I advocate ... but do see it for what it is.

10-13-2021, 07:51 AM
Just to clarify Pedro - I think it's all pretty much a sad state of affairs. I mean not to be a buzzkill, but my writings as they be reflect a different tone. The other day whilst on the phone talking with a friend in the local psych ward, I took on a very bitter tone as he relayed his own frustrations about the way in which he was being handled. I contacted him later that day to apologize, explaining that I felt I had failed him as instead of supporting him, I just fed back all the hostility he was sharing, which in the end only makes him more susceptible to being mistreated. Not sure if that makes sense. I do what I can to check my rage and be honest with myself when contemplating such things. We make ourselves easy targets when feeding back into the system.

People kill people. People are easily led by ideals. That's just a simple way I look at it. Those that support such ideals are just as much a pawn as those in uniform. Pretty much one and the same whatever way you look at it. Including the movies that influence the way they do. The 80s had just as much conditioning as they do today, it's just that it's done at a much faster pace and penetrates deeper with consistency being 24/7 and many more levels.

10-14-2021, 03:43 AM
Just a thought. Have you tried searching a number of different keywords in windows explorer search bar on both primary drive and or maybe a secondary drive, documents folder and that kind of thing. Often it's best to keyword search within folders rather than a whole drive. Another place to search with keywords in perhaps your email account where you might of made reference to said evidence. Just thought I would make mention as doing so in the past has helped me find things I have lost. Google drive is another place I forget to check as I use it on occasion as well.

11-10-2021, 07:44 AM
I honestly feel you. There's a lot of toxic people on social media too! I feel like it is better to stay home and gadgets off it gives ME TIME! Enable GingerCannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection
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11-10-2021, 02:56 PM
Hi MeMaw52. I'm not sure when you joined up. I've been on a bit of a holiday and was a bit preoccupied to say hi then. I see the people as a reflection of those leading the way. Best I can some that up. I just made a post in the walking thread that is in line pretty much with what you said … kind of … I alluded to the current climate with CV and its narrative. That said, I am ridding with what works for me .. albeit much slower these days and I am fine with that. :)

I am glad you have found this forum and post when your able. I kind of think I know what you mean with all that browser reloading but for me I only ever do it for efficiency. I really don't care what people get to know about me when it comes to privacy issues. Sure it might be an issue for others who play into the whole national security risk type of things - Oh No ... The Aliens are going to kill us all ... Yadda Yadda ... terrorists and all that. I believe nothing any of them whoever they are say anymore. I only go by what I see out my front door and like you say, stay at home is very much my preference. There is virtually nothing out my front door that I wish for anymore.

Now with that said, I had an awesome time away. I stepped into a vehicle, and pretty much went door to door. The other door I researched like hell to ensure it was a comfortable stay. Easy peasy! I plan most of my trips like so ... even to the grocery store. : D

11-10-2021, 03:34 PM
The world would be a better place if authorities and their watch dogs dropped what they were doing and instead did this:


Sadly these guys are actors - but act good enough to make me smile all the same. :)

11-11-2021, 07:09 AM
So what else you got Pedro? Have you got anything working for you. I don't mind having a bitch from time to time, but I like to mix it up with some positive aims or at least pretend I'm doing alright from time to time. What do you do when not pondering on all that which is not working? Like I had a wrote about some stuff not working for me, but I try to tame it down a little in the tone of my writing. When things get too loud, I start to tire and have less time outside my own bubble. I have had a few wins by setting a couple of intentions. Have you got anything your working towards?

salvator here
11-11-2021, 08:13 AM
Yeah, I'm trying to not stew on what isn't working. Sure, I didn't do much (accomplish much) this year, but I did what I could to manage without having to go inpatient (came close). I am sick of people in general (in real life, not online) and I also keep to my little bubble. However, today I'm going out as they said its unhealthy and I have to, so I'm getting dressed and will try to enjoy the scenery.

Hang in there; Pedro :)

11-11-2021, 03:08 PM
Srry Pedro, I can't do that. I think I have explained well enough and the fact you have asked me a couple of times now, is starting to make me feel uncomfortable. I have put forward my suggestion in how to deal with difficult people. I have enough going on in my own life now as is. Unless your able to let go and or change the direction of your posts, please understand I will have to distance myself for my own state of mind.

All the best letting go and moving on.

11-12-2021, 03:49 AM
I'm not much into the regional vernacular but appreciate your well wishes. I've been struggling with extreme fatigue but made some ground today simply by sitting outside next to my plants taking in long breaths and doing so slowly. After about 20 minutes I returned inside back on my computer feeling a much better. Unfortunately I soon fell back into a dreary sleep feeling state, where moving through the day was hard just getting up and down. It's not too late tonight so might get to bed at a more reasonable time to catch up on a lot of lost sleep. All in all I am not too bad. Thanks for asking.

Tonight I sold my laptop so happy about that. Hopefully they will have the money to pay unlike that last bidder. Fingers crossed. All good. :)

I hope this finds you well also.