View Full Version : Mean teacher

10-12-2016, 06:58 PM
Hi all. I'm new here and I joined because this looks like a great community :)

Anyways, I had a teacher last year who was mean and ignorant. She would yell at us for not asking for help, even though I had a lot of anxiety in doing so because she wasn't a very approachable person. She would also yell at us for not saying "yes" after every command she gave us. She would speak condescendingly to us.

I don't know why this still bothers me. I know I shouldn't take it personally, since she was just a mean teacher, but I can't help but be upset about it. Anyone dealt with a similar situation?

The Intolerable Kid
10-13-2016, 08:00 AM
Sure, there's plenty of teachers that got into it for the power trip. It gratifies them to talk down to people, they thrive on arrogant condescension. Sadly, there are many in that profession who are that way. At least you're out of that class and not dealing with this teacher anymore, right?

10-13-2016, 08:57 AM
Welcome, Purplered!
I got a teacher who insults us in a non direct way, he is my filosofy teacher so
he knows how to do it, i hate him but i dont if i answer him he will counter me without any problems so...

10-13-2016, 12:42 PM
Consider discussing it with your parents & or caregivers. Identify this teachers bullying tactics and work to becoming less of a target. Do you have a phone. If so - record what actually goes on and show your parents. If I had the technology back when teachers drove my head repeatedly into my desk, I would not hesitate to use such devices.

Teachers should not be allowed to yell and scream the way they do. It's just as traumatizing as being flogged. If what you say is legit, then I would record it and shame the teacher. Become less of a target by standing up for yourself. Sadly this does not help when the system is based on Authoritarianism with the aim to brainwash you into a drone. Many parents are already brainwashed and too weak to help their own kids out. Those that try are often beaten back by the system. It's a chaotic system that requires enforcers to pacify the byproduct it creates. It's just the way it is. Understanding this can actually help to navigate the nightmare. Otherwise denial is the only other option. Generally those that resit are blamed then labeled.

School is an oppressive force to be reckoned with. I feel for you.

In the mean time, whilst recording ... just roll with the punches. Don't react. (makes it harder got the system/school/teacher to blame and label you) What I wouldn't give to of had the power to record. That's what Facebook should be used for. To expose the system for what it is .. instead of the system having the the drones fighting each other.

Again ... just work out the teachers strategy .. they all have one. Work on not becoming a target at which point it would be much easier for you to make a formal complaint. Nothing beats social media though ... as once again ... the system just covers up it's own mess and blames the kids and parents ... Never Itself.

This is when a teacher deserves to repeatedly find feces in their desk draw, slip on an oil slick when walking into class, seeing slanderous comments written on the board every morning - without anyone in the class knowing who's to blame. That would drive the teacher insane :) I don't advise doing that, because whilst teachers don't want to recorded, everyone today virtually is and people are trained to dob each other in.

Don't you worry ... Guaranteed, this teacher is running on acid. Most people are these days. Just take heart that your not the only one that feels the way you do.

Become more the observer and work this teachers method out.

You'll work it out. Keep posting at any rate. ;)

10-13-2016, 02:33 PM
Sure, there's plenty of teachers that got into it for the power trip. It gratifies them to talk down to people, they thrive on arrogant condescension. Sadly, there are many in that profession who are that way. At least you're out of that class and not dealing with this teacher anymore, right?

Yes, thank god !!

10-13-2016, 02:37 PM
Consider discussing it with your parents & or caregivers. Identify this teachers bullying tactics and work to becoming less of a target. Do you have a phone. If so - record what actually goes on and show your parents. If I had the technology back when teachers drove my head repeatedly into my desk, I would not hesitate to use such devices.

Teachers should not be allowed to yell and scream the way they do. It's just as traumatizing as being flogged. If what you say is legit, then I would record it and shame the teacher. Become less of a target by standing up for yourself. Sadly this does not help when the system is based on Authoritarianism with the aim to brainwash you into a drone. Many parents are already brainwashed and too weak to help their own kids out. Those that try are often beaten back by the system. It's a chaotic system that requires enforcers to pacify the byproduct it creates. It's just the way it is. Understanding this can actually help to navigate the nightmare. Otherwise denial is the only other option. Generally those that resit are blamed then labeled.

School is an oppressive force to be reckoned with. I feel for you.

In the mean time, whilst recording ... just roll with the punches. Don't react. (makes it harder got the system/school/teacher to blame and label you) What I wouldn't give to of had the power to record. That's what Facebook should be used for. To expose the system for what it is .. instead of the system having the the drones fighting each other.

Again ... just work out the teachers strategy .. they all have one. Work on not becoming a target at which point it would be much easier for you to make a formal complaint. Nothing beats social media though ... as once again ... the system just covers up it's own mess and blames the kids and parents ... Never Itself.

This is when a teacher deserves to repeatedly find feces in their desk draw, slip on an oil slick when walking into class, seeing slanderous comments written on the board every morning - without anyone in the class knowing who's to blame. That would drive the teacher insane :) I don't advise doing that, because whilst teachers don't want to recorded, everyone today virtually is and people are trained to dob each other in.

Don't you worry ... Guaranteed, this teacher is running on acid. Most people are these days. Just take heart that your not the only one that feels the way you do.

Become more the observer and work this teachers method out.

You'll work it out. Keep posting at any rate. ;)

I am not in the class anymore btw, but it does still bother me. I did talk several times about it to my parents and my therapist. They basically said to hold my head high and ignore what she says. I guess it did work since i passed the class.

She is still teaching at the school and is a special ed teacher which baffles me because she was so rude and impatient. Some things i'll never understand i guess.

10-15-2016, 03:30 PM
Special Ed is plagued with the same problems - The issue is systemic. We all just roll with the punches as best we can.