View Full Version : Abnormal EKG, or inaccurate?

10-10-2016, 03:10 PM
Hey, so the past few weeks have been very stressful. Friday I decided to get a physical, and everything from BP to Ox, cholesterol, glucose, sounds came out good. Then they gave me an EKG, at first the nodes on the right kept falling off so the tech had to keep putting them back. When the doctor first came in she said it looked fine, and then I started panicking and breathing heavily and shaking (claustrophobic). At the end she said my EKG was abnormal, the paper said "incomplete right bundle branch block". I asked her if me breathing heavily and shaking had any effect on it, and she couldn't answer.

So I'm sitting here wondering if its an issue or not. Im 30 years old, I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't drink sodas, and I rarely eat red meat. My family history is good, very healthy (though all of us have anxiety, panic a lot). I had an EKG done 2 years ago that was normal, and since then ive lost a lot of weight and I exercise more. Do you think the EKG could have been inaccurate?

10-10-2016, 04:18 PM
Yes I believe that your anxiety was a major factor in the outcome of the EKG. I would probably ask for another unless they think you have a bad heart which mostly likely isn't the case unless you were born with a heart deflect. They might want you to retake your EKG at a later appointment or you can call and ask. Good Luck! :)

10-13-2016, 07:47 PM
Hey I had another EKG today and this one came back sinus tachycardia (first one was bradycardia), but no mention of incomplete right bundle branch block. It did say "128 premature QRS transition in right precordials, positional variance". Then "282 QRS within the normal limits. The doctor said it was probably due to my anxiety. No idea what all those wordings/numbers mean though.*