View Full Version : Nose whistling makes me seriously sleep deprived?

09-26-2016, 05:47 PM
Hello guys, I have one utterly ridiculous situation that has me literally sleep deprived for two days straight and going. Upon almost falling asleep, to the point where my body is completely relaxed and is ready to sleep, my nose whistles and brings me back to my senses.
Like I am entering the other dimension of my neutral thoughts but since breathing changes during each state of sleep the moment I am about to pass out my nose whistles and my brain goes like: <woop. what's that? wake up!> And upon multiple times, it gets hooked and the brain just waits for it.
I know for a fact that each and every person faces this process, but their thoughts keeps them from actually hearing the breathing change thus nose whistling when almost asleep. However whenever I am a tiny bit anxious I always become aware of this and it destroys me physically and mentally for days until fianlly getting over it.
It's such a suffering due to being brought back to senses every single time to the point where eyes are completely red and can't even feel my legs.
I am trying my best to say that there are a lot worse such as people who whistle in every single breath they take, and that I don't ever snore or have any breathing problems, just that slight whistling stage that once I finally pass from is gone, but that doesn't seem to help the situation at all.
Has anyone ever went through this? Is there ANY way I can pass that stage without my train of thought breaking and focusing on the whistle and start the whole process again only to break once more?
Thank you!

10-08-2016, 03:05 PM
Hmm.. Odd. I have never experienced whistling through my nose, nor do I know what causes it. However, what I can say is that if I get urself tired enough, U'll probably fall asleep without having the mental energy to focus on that noise. How do you try urself tired? I would get up out of bed really early (like 7am) even if u had no sleep. Though you may experience an anxiety attack, like I did, you will be probably get knocked out, especially with a sleeping pill.

10-08-2016, 03:15 PM
Hmm.. Odd. I have never experienced whistling through my nose, nor do I know what causes it. However, what I can say is that if I get urself tired enough, U'll probably fall asleep without having the mental energy to focus on that noise. How do you try urself tired? I would get up out of bed really early (like 7am) even if u had no sleep. Though you may experience an anxiety attack, like I did, you will be probably get knocked out, especially with a sleeping pill.

Hey! Thanx for answering, but this wasn't the post I was referring to when I told you to check my post out! I will post it below, just place this on the URL to check it out! :)


Turns out this is just a symptom of anxiety among many many others, please check it out and u may understand a lot why I am focusing on my nose whistling to the point where I am completely sleep-deprived! Can't wait to hear back from you :)

10-08-2016, 08:04 PM
My nose whistles from allergies or when I have post nasal drip.

10-09-2016, 01:44 PM
My nose whistles from allergies or when I have post nasal drip.

Does it interfere with your sleep process? Because I can hear it when I'm about to fall asleep and it stops me from successfully doing so!

10-09-2016, 01:51 PM
Usually I am so tired that I just konk out or I sometimes play the radio softly so it drowns out any noise that I hear.