View Full Version : Groomsman anxiety leading up to AND after the wedding!

09-18-2016, 08:55 PM
(I posted this in the "welcome" thread) Hello everyone! My name is George and I'm 27 years old. I'll make this short and to the point:

Back in my high school days and for years after, I was a major pothead. I could smoke all day, everyday. Then, I got into trouble with the law and got sentenced to four years of probation. That obviously meant no more smoking. I became depressed because I didn't hang out with friends, couldn't smoke and gained weight. I went to the doctor about it and he prescribed me 15mg Celexa once (maybe twice?) a day. It seemed to help. Then, 3 years later, my probation ended early and I of course started smoking again. I completely stopped taking my Celexa (which I didn't know was bad at the time). About a year after that, I was riding around with my buddy, smoking and listening to music. It hit me like a ton of bricks; panic, shaking, couldn't breathe, sweating, the works. I had no idea what had happened. My buddy took me home right away and I laid in bed all night. I've had mild, GAD ever since.


Let me first start off by saying, I refuse to take SSRI's after Celexa seemed to f*** my brain up. So, my new doctor prescribed me Klonopin to take as needed. I like it because it's as needed, but for the last few weeks, I've been needing it a lot.

I'm a sous chef at a busy golf course restaurant. So, I tried to justify being stressed, first of all. But, my best friends were getting married and I was asked to be a groomsman (not best man). Their wedding was on the 17th (last night) and ever since September hit, I have been having major anxiety issues. Had a panic attack at work for no reason. Get shakey sometimes while driving to and/or from work. Have a hard time doing everyday tasks without being nervous. ANYWAYS...I was nervous about being a groomsman because I hate standing in front of people and I get fidgety. The ceremony went good, I had to take half a Klonopin though. I was still anxious and had tingly feelings and a little more sweaty than usual. At the reception, I had a few drinks, didn't get belligerent or anything.

Now, today, I was somewhat hungover. I felt "off" all day. Around 8pm, me and the girlfriend had to go to the store. I got very shakey and panicky while driving and had that "I just need to get home" feeling. Right when I got home, I took a half a Klonopin (I get prescribed 0.5 so it was 0.25). The only thing I don't like about Klonopin is that it takes some time to work.

Was just wondering if it was too much alcohol or I'm still "anxious" from the overload I had for the last few weeks? I figured my anxiety would melt away after last night ended, but it didn't. Before the "three weeks ago", I was fine. VERY mild anxiety and barely had an attack, ever. I just don't want to go back on SSRI's!

09-18-2016, 10:00 PM
It's probably a combination of the alcohol and the overload. I'm a (somewhat) recovered alcoholic and it gives me the most horrific anxiety when it wears off now.

The thing about anxiety though is, a lot of it comes from the subconscious. So you might think it'll "melt away" after the stressful event but under the surface you're still stressed. I don't know.. It's such a tricky thing and you have to learn to not pay it too much attention and just think of it as your normal fight or flight mechanism gone a bit haywire. It's not easy though - I've had it my whole life and it can still hit me so hard I have to just lie in bed.

09-18-2016, 10:26 PM
Do you mean when the alcohol wears off, your anxiety gets bad?

I completely understand the subconscious part you were talking about. I think subconsciously, I was worried about the wedding for the last few weeks...I had a panic attack out of nowhere at the end of August/beginning of September and I've had bad anxiety since then. The brain is very weird! Lol.

The Intolerable Kid
09-20-2016, 07:24 AM
I agree with gypsylee, probably a result of the alcohol and high stress. Maybe give it some more time and just stick to your usual routine of occasional smoking and klonopin.

09-20-2016, 08:07 AM
I was on Buspirone. Which I took as needed and it worked pretty instantly. If you want to recommend trying that. It helped me out quite a bit. I'm not one for SSRI's either. My psychiatrist put me on Prozac and I have never felt so terrible about myself. I only took it for like 4 days. As for "feeling off" I can't send links yet so if you want to google "disconnection from reality" and the first link should say You're Not Crazy. and read that. see if it sounds like what you went through

09-20-2016, 09:00 PM
I was on Buspirone. Which I took as needed and it worked pretty instantly. If you want to recommend trying that. It helped me out quite a bit. I'm not one for SSRI's either. My psychiatrist put me on Prozac and I have never felt so terrible about myself. I only took it for like 4 days. As for "feeling off" I can't send links yet so if you want to google "disconnection from reality" and the first link should say You're Not Crazy. and read that. see if it sounds like what you went through

I looked it up. I am terrified of DP/DR, so I definitely know what it is. I've had a few mild symptoms, but nothing to concerning such as feeling completely detached or not in control of my body. Just the symptoms like over-analyzing and whatnot. Thanks!

09-20-2016, 09:01 PM
Thanks to everyone who read my story and replied. I think I just have to let my mind realize that there is nothing to be nervous about anymore. The wedding went better than expected too; anxiety wise.