View Full Version : At Disney Dealing with Anxiety/Health Anxiety (heart)

09-06-2016, 12:56 PM
Hello to anyone who will read this just need a place to vent. Short background been dealing I am 26 with health anxiety mostly focused on my heart for 6 going on 7 years now it's been pretty calm until this week. I am on vacation with my family in Disney World and I can't stop checking my pulse and worrying about my heart. I am walking in the parks in 90 degree weather for 4-5 hours so I know the heart is going to beat faster but it's causing a lot of anxiety. I am been doing my best to try to ignore it and have fun and when I am riding rides I forget it about but if I stop for a rest or just looking in the stores I am super aware of what my heart feels like and it's just frustrating when I've been doing so good.

09-06-2016, 07:34 PM
Each time you find yourself doing this, just re-focus. Tell yourself, "OK, what's the next ride that's going to be fun?" I think you're doing pretty good because you forget it some of the time and you're walking around in 90 degree weather for hours. Also, during the day as you're walking around, name off things you're grateful for. Just keep being thankful and positive.

09-06-2016, 08:08 PM
I remember almost 30 years ago on my honeymoon in St Thomas checking my pulse sometimes. You will
get past this. Try to follow Anne1221's advice.

The Intolerable Kid
09-07-2016, 05:36 AM
You may want to keep some aspirin handy, that is supposed be be helpful after experiencing a cardiac event. Have a good, relaxing vacation.

09-07-2016, 11:07 AM
You may want to keep some aspirin handy, that is supposed be be helpful after experiencing a cardiac event. Have a good, relaxing vacation.

Most moronic post of the century!

09-07-2016, 08:02 PM
Their are some natural supplements that may help your anxiety such as L-Theanine, magnesium,
Omega 3's. etc. You may want to consult with a natural pharmacist or physician.

09-07-2016, 10:26 PM
Every time you feel the anxiety coming on, just tell yourself, "I am young and healthy. Nothing is wrong with my heart. I can physically strain myself without ever coming close to a heart problem. Look at all these much older people here enjoying themselves with no heart problems. I bet my heart is much healthier than most of theirs." Remember that your anxiety is caused by your pessimistic mindset and negative thoughts. So think positive thoughts to counter them. Think of your negative thoughts as someone making false accusations of you. Argue against that accuser with facts.

Also remember that these negative thoughts are very persistent. You will have to be just as persistent countering them. It sometimes feels tiresome calling upon the effort to fight them but remember that the more you do it, after a while, the less frequently they appear.

09-07-2016, 10:32 PM
You may want to keep some aspirin handy, that is supposed be be helpful after experiencing a cardiac event. Have a good, relaxing vacation.
This is silly and illogical. OP is young and healthy and has no health issues.

The Intolerable Kid
09-08-2016, 05:49 AM
No offense meant to the OP or anyone else, I was just passing on a suggestion my Doctor made for my own heart condition.
I truly hope the OP is able to have a good, relaxing vacation.