View Full Version : What's it like living with an anxiety or depressive disorder?

08-14-2016, 05:07 AM
Hi everyone,

I'd like to begin by saying that I am deeply moved by the level of care, concern and sincere outreach on this forum. This, for me, represents the very best aspects of what it means to be human.

I'd also like to note that I do not personally suffer from an anxiety or depressive disorder. I have certainly felt anxious and sad in response to the ups and downs of life, but never to the point of feeling as if I cannot function, that is, perform at work, maintain relationships and enjoy life.

As such, I am deeply curious as to what it's really like to live with an anxiety or depressive disorder. What, in your experience, are the very worst consequences of these conditions - what do they keep you from having/experiencing in life? Put another way, what are your deepest needs as a person that are not being fulfilled as a direct consequence of having these conditions?

08-14-2016, 10:30 AM
Hi there..

What brought you here if you don't suffer from anxiety or depression? We're a bit suspicious around these parts ;)

I guess it's the same as you feeling anxious or sad, but for irrational reasons and long periods of time. I've just spent pretty much the whole weekend in bed from anxiety because I have some extremely toxic people in my family. They aren't even here but just a text or phone call can send me into a panic so bad I can barely move or think. Like the "freeze" response of an animal to a threat I guess. (I'm making plans to cut certain people off though, to save my sanity.) So yeah, that stopped me from doing nearly everything other than talking to friends online or watching music videos (on my iPad). That should give you a bit of an idea what it's like..

Gypsy x

08-16-2016, 06:24 AM
Thank you for those insights, Gypsylee. I can't imagine how awful that must be!

I wish you all the best for your recovery. I hope you find some respite from these challenges.
