View Full Version : Recent palpitations causing high anxiety - Advice please

10-16-2008, 09:20 AM
A couple of days ago I experienced multiple periods of palpitations, maybe 1 or 2 at a time, at various points all day. I've experienced an occasional palpitation over the past year, but not so many in one day. I do suffer from panic anxiety, although I have had much fewer episodes since January of this year. I went to my family doctor who was very understanding, they gave me an EKG (normal), and he referred me to a cardiologist. I have not seen the cardiologist yet. When I asked my family doctor how concerned I should be about these he said "not very". I should mention that I do currently take a beta blocker (toprol xl 50 mg) and it is my understanding from my doctor that this should help with palpitations.

So my questions go out to those who have experienced these - should I be concerned? They really scare the hell out of me and I don't want to feel this way. How do I talk myself down when I experience one (or more)? I really appreciate any feedback. Thanks

10-17-2008, 08:40 AM
I recently began having palpilations as well. It appears as though they are increased with stress... but im not sure.

I can be lying in bed, have several skips in an hour. Its as though my heart skips a beat and then pounds hevaily for a few seconds to make up for it. I sometimes even get a tingle/chill through my body, and sometimes it feels as though the whole bed moved when it was pounding hard.

at any rate,
i went to the doctor, was put on the 24 hours monitor and all was fine.

Your cardiologist or whatever will simply be looking to see if there are any underlying problems cuasing the palpilations, but from what I was told it is very common that there is not underlying problem, and you will be fine.

i was worried too, beleive me, it takes alot to get me to go see a doctor :)

10-17-2008, 12:21 PM
I appreciate the feedback. I am going to see a cardiologist on Tuesday and hopefully will receive the same message as you. Until then I'll just have to try to stay calm about it. Thanks again