View Full Version : Who can relate ?????!!!!?????????

07-25-2016, 07:03 PM

My name is Orson I'm a male who lives in Los Angeles. I was wondering because its hard for me to find people who understand and who I can relate too. I have three life long diseases, Wegener's Disease, which is an auto immune disorder, Panic disorder/severe anxiety and addiction. I have been to multiple programs, that are even dual diagnosis, and have still not been able to relate to anyone around me. Thanks.

07-26-2016, 11:08 AM
Hello Orson... I am a male in Ohio suffering from a serious panic and anxiety disorder (and other disorders) as well as alcohol addiction so I can certainly relate to you. I am not familiar with the Wegener's Disease but surely there are members here who are. It often feels as though we are alone with the symptoms of our conditions and need so badly to reach out to communicate with others who may be open about their conditions. It took me decades to come to terms that my "nervousness" was actually a serious condition that combined the panic and anxiety with depression, OCD, Generalized Anxiety, Agoraphobia and other disorders that never crossed my mind. It was only in a discussion with a Psychiatrist about possible medications to help me did she ask the right questions. In the past when I would have panic attacks and ended up in the ER, everyone was looking for heart issues which came back negative. The word "anxiety" or "panic attacks" were never uttered. I find that strange in the medical profession that the mental conditions weren't spotted in my behavior if not in the symptoms themselves. I am more in tune now to discussing the panic and anxiety issues because it now frees me up from thinking the issues are more serious, not to say my conditions are not serious. They are just not life threatening. It took years for me to find out why I would do anything in my power to avoid going anywhere that wasn't necessary... parties, dinner dates, movies, and even shopping. It was the agoraphobia and social anxiety that I was not aware of. These conditions are also the reason I struggle with addiction first is to calm myself in times of distress but also the reason I have not sought outside support (ie AA) and will not discuss the drinking escalation caused by the severe stress that I am under. It is my hope that you will find understanding buddies here on AF to communicate with. Please feel free to contact me at any time. Perhaps together we can find support and answers for a brighter tomorrow?