View Full Version : still suffering

07-24-2016, 04:42 PM
its been a few months since ive posted but things hasnt gotten any better worse if anything,ive tried several meds and none help or make me worse. i just recently stopped taking the hydroxizine as it wasnt doing anything at all was on that for 6 months. zoloft i stopped three days ago as the side effects were so bad i thought i was gonna die. ive tried many others over the years and nothing helps. ive even had therapy im at the end of my rope. the symptoms i seem to have at this present moment has just about made me lose my ever loving mind. i constantly have adrenaline upon my chest non stop i cant sleep when i doze off im woken as soon as i doze of with this crap.i get this sensation with all this as if i need to swallow and when i try its like paranoia and cant and it makes me seem like im developing some kind of tic what the crap is all this?i get hotness that comes over my chest and a mild pain and automatically i feel panic. ive had two ekgs one two weeks ago nothing abnormal but this stuff sure does seem like something isnt right i have bp that goes up and down my heart races skips flip flops off and on. can anyone relate to any of these things and please tell me what has helped ive tried the deep breathing doesnt help not one bit. my chest feels odd hard to explain im just so tired of all this horrible crap and im also going through the change and i dont know how much has to do with any of that all i know is my quality of life has been taken from me. im in bed most days im scared to do anything as i dont know what symptom is going to hit me next and im woozy headed alot i use to have bad dizziness which subsided thank god it was horrible. i cant tolerate the heat this year makes me feel faint i just dont know where else to turn for help ive seen three different drs in the same office and none will listen to me i mean truly listen to me and im suffering labs is all normal please if anyone can relate to any of this horrible non stop things please reply

07-24-2016, 08:21 PM
The change can have a lot to do with what you're going through. But it sounds like you haven't had any good doctors to be of help to you! I don't know what else to say except keep trying to find a doctor who WILL help you.

07-25-2016, 02:40 AM
Hey there,

It's weird you mention "the change" because I'm 42 and had anxiety my whole life, but only recently have I had these adrenaline rushes like you describe. I know 42 is a bit young but I had my tubes tied 5 years ago and I've heard that can speed things up (not sure if that's true). What happens to me sometimes is that I'll be trying to go to sleep and have random thoughts (as you do) but accompanied by these adrenaline rushes. This thing started late last year and as I say, I've had severe anxiety (so much so I'm on a pension) for 20+ years. So yes, I can relate to that and it's really scary.

I googled Hydroxyzine and it's not something I've ever been on or even heard of. Zoloft etc have helped me with bad depressive episodes but not so much with anxiety. I'm currently on Prozac (which I don't think does anything) and Mogadon which is a benzodiazepine.. Those do work really well but are easy to get addicted to so you have to be really strict with them. I agree with Anne that it doesn't sound like your doctors have helped much (not many of them do).

Breathing is one thing that I would keep trying though. It's not easy and sometimes I've had to lie there for like half an hour doing it, but it DOES work. It might not be enough to make you fall asleep but it acts on the nervous system and tells it to settle down, basically. The other thing is just having someone to talk to about all this and get it out of your head. I've had horrific panic attacks where I've managed to calm down by talking to someone online or on the phone. This place has helped too.

Gypsy x

07-25-2016, 01:50 PM
Alternative therapies may help such as accupuncture, biofeedback, deep breathing, etc. I would talk to an alternative physician or pharmacist and see if they can suggest
herbs, vitamins, etc, that may help you. The key is not to give up.

07-26-2016, 09:02 PM
Hey there,

It's weird you mention "the change" because I'm 42 and had anxiety my whole life, but only recently have I had these adrenaline rushes like you describe. I know 42 is a bit young but I had my tubes tied 5 years ago and I've heard that can speed things up (not sure if that's true). What happens to me sometimes is that I'll be trying to go to sleep and have random thoughts (as you do) but accompanied by these adrenaline rushes. This thing started late last year and as I say, I've had severe anxiety (so much so I'm on a pension) for 20+ years. So yes, I can relate to that and it's really scary.

I googled Hydroxyzine and it's not something I've ever been on or even heard of. Zoloft etc have helped me with bad depressive episodes but not so much with anxiety. I'm currently on Prozac (which I don't think does anything) and Mogadon which is a benzodiazepine.. Those do work really well but are easy to get addicted to so you have to be really strict with them. I agree with Anne that it doesn't sound like your doctors have helped much (not many of them do).

Breathing is one thing that I would keep trying though. It's not easy and sometimes I've had to lie there for like half an hour doing it, but it DOES work. It might not be enough to make you fall asleep but it acts on the nervous system and tells it to settle down, basically. The other thing is just having someone to talk to about all this and get it out of your head. I've had horrific panic attacks where I've managed to calm down by talking to someone online or on the phone. This place has helped too.

Gypsy x

I started this peri journey pretty young as the women in my family all has I'm 39 almost 40 it started for me at 34 and this past year things really got out of hand and wacky cycles went all over the map and then all these horrible symptoms hit very hard non stop and this adrenaline and anxiety is far worse then I've ever experienced I've never had anxiety this bad in my life.

07-27-2016, 12:53 AM
I started this peri journey pretty young as the women in my family all has I'm 39 almost 40 it started for me at 34 and this past year things really got out of hand and wacky cycles went all over the map and then all these horrible symptoms hit very hard non stop and this adrenaline and anxiety is far worse then I've ever experienced I've never had anxiety this bad in my life.

Oh wow. I spoke to my doctor about it today (my period was 10 days late with cramps the whole time) and he said it's really hard to know what's going on but the IUD can help. I will have to investigate because I don't have much faith in doctors. He also gave me a referral to have an ultrasound to check for fybroids. But yes, this adrenaline thing freaked me right out and I've had some horrific anxiety attacks this year. I think our menstrual cycle plays a big part in all this anxiety and depression, and is overlooked a LOT. I mean my Psychiatrist also has some gyno qualification and has never brought it up as a possible factor in my illness.