View Full Version : I've been told it's anxiety, help appreciated.

07-13-2016, 04:03 AM
Hello everyone I'm a 21 year old male , I'm new here and i'm just looking for some insight and clairty and maybe some guidance as to what i should do, If you don't mind, let me tell you a quick story:

About 6 days ago i'm at work, and i do a lot of heavy lifting, As i'm holding this piece of furniture i begin to get dizzy, weak, couldn't breathe, nausea, and all of a sudden i couldn't see.. My vision was full of spots. So i sit down for a bit and it fades away, i'm fine.

Ever since then, I've had almost constant heart palpatations, can't seem to get a full breathe, nausea, sometimes no appetite. I get very anxious for no real reason at times, butterflies in stomach, rapid heartbeat. My heartbeat seems to skyrocket after i wake up from sleeping which is weird. Some chest pain but nothing too bad.

I went to the ER yesterday because it had been going on for what seemed like forever, They did an EKG, Blood test, Chest X-ray said i was fine and sent me on my way saying it was most likely anxiety. Now, I am a very anxious person, I'd even say i'm a hypochondriac at times.

I try to stay hydrated and i'm generally a pretty healthy person, I do google symptoms which tends to make me more anxious but the way i've been feeling as of late it seems different than just anxiety.

Can anyone here with more wisdom than i, Give me some insight and/or guidance on what i should do here? Should i be worried? Is it a heart condition or just anxiety?

I appreciate all your help and i'm sorry for the wall of text. Thank you!

07-13-2016, 04:28 AM
Hi there and welcome :)

I'm going to go with the hospital staff and say it is anxiety. The main thing I relate to is the "rocketing heartbeat" when you wake up - that's one of my main symptoms and I've been dealing with anxiety for 20+ years. Googling symptoms is always a really bad idea.. I used to but I don't anymore because I inevitably end up panicking and thinking I have cancer.

Gypsy x

07-13-2016, 06:23 AM
Hi there and welcome :)

I'm going to go with the hospital staff and say it is anxiety. The main thing I relate to is the "rocketing heartbeat" when you wake up - that's one of my main symptoms and I've been dealing with anxiety for 20+ years. Googling symptoms is always a really bad idea.. I used to but I don't anymore because I inevitably end up panicking and thinking I have cancer.

Gypsy x

Thank you for your time first of all.

Yeah, I don't know. I was feeling great before all of that happened and since then i've been a total wreck. Would you recommend i go see my doctor and get put on some anxiety medication? It's never really been this bad for me before. I've always had anxiety and depression in some of form or another but never like this and out of the blue. It's horrible.

07-13-2016, 07:03 AM
No worries and I do know how horrible it is.

Yeah.. If you have a regular doctor go see him/her about it. Meds for this can be very hit and miss unfortunately, but it helps just to talk to someone about it and get it out in the open. It's quite hard to make that decision where you think "this is bad enough that I need to see a doctor about it" (especially if you're male, I think) but it really is such an awful thing to try and deal with on your own. People without anxiety/depression can't comprehend how debilitating it can be.

07-13-2016, 08:08 AM
No worries and I do know how horrible it is.

Yeah.. If you have a regular doctor go see him/her about it. Meds for this can be very hit and miss unfortunately, but it helps just to talk to someone about it and get it out in the open. It's quite hard to make that decision where you think "this is bad enough that I need to see a doctor about it" (especially if you're male, I think) but it really is such an awful thing to try and deal with on your own. People without anxiety/depression can't comprehend how debilitating it can be.

I'm going to schedule an appointment today and get back to you. You honestly don't think it's heart-related? I'm going to ask my doctor about it either way i suppose

Thanks for your help.