View Full Version : Anxiety attack at night?

07-09-2016, 01:08 AM
Hello everyone, I'm a 24 years-old female.
A few months ago I started having these weird 'episodes' at night when I'm trying to sleep. They could last for hours before I fall asleep.
During these periods I feel trapped in my own head and detached from my surroundings.

Every time I close my eyes, random thoughts and images would pop up in my head in quick successions and I couldn't stop them, sometimes I could 'hear' myself speaking those thoughts aloud in my mind. They often don't make sense but they interferes with my sleep tremendously.
When I tried to stall those thoughts and concentrate on sleeping my mind always seems to drift further away, it's like I'm losing control of myself and at any moment I would start screaming and go insane. I'm so afraid, it feels like I'm dying, I feel like there's a tumor in my brain that's causing all these.
I would start sweating and my chest would feel tight, it's nearly impossible to take deep breathes during these episodes.

This has been bothering me for so many nights, it makes me scared of going to bed. I feel very helpless and alone when this happens, even if I told my family or friends there's nothing they could do to help me, they don't understand that what I'm feeling/ going through is something far more severe and terrifying than they thought.
I don't even know if what I'm experiencing is an anxiety attack or something else, should I go see a Psychotherapist or doctor?

07-09-2016, 06:48 AM
Hi Jenice,

I've had similar to this. It's this thing where I go to bed and I might not even be anxious and I'll lie there but instead of falling asleep I'll get these awful adrenaline rushes with random thoughts. The thoughts aren't even necessarily stressful either. It's torturous because I'll be half awake and half asleep, so I don't feel like getting up and it just keeps happening :\ I haven't had that for a while thank goodness but it's like my brain is producing the wrong chemicals - adrenaline rather than the sleep chemicals. I've told my doctor AND psychiatrist about it and they didn't have an explanation. I think one of the biggest issues with anxiety and mental illness in general is that the professionals don't even know enough.

Anyway, welcome here :)
Gypsy x