View Full Version : General Anxiety - visting a doctor - what to expect?

07-01-2016, 09:27 AM
I'm a 41 year old male, married and with 2 kids. I would have what I consider on and off again anxiety problems. It seems pretty general and most times it is over what I would consider nothing. It would be best described in this article that I oddly found on twitter during my last bad stretch.


I have always had going to a doctor in the back of my mind but held off. From what I've read, it seems that some kind of talk therapy is common and sometimes meds. I'm not terribly fond of either option which I know sounds silly but I talk to my wife about it.

I guess I'm wondering what the most likely out come is, knowing that the answers will be varied. It seems so much I read on this, the answer is more coping techniques and if that is the case, I'd rather just leave the doctors out of it.

07-01-2016, 10:34 AM
That article did not explain the type of anxiety I have because I am never down on myself and I don't have low self esteem. I consider that to be more of depression. However, I do worry and worry about anything and everything, so my primary problem is anxiety. I guess you already know that most doctors will prescribe medication, so be aware this could be the case. I think talk therapy could be helpful. Coping techniques you will learn on this forum such as meditation and exercise are great. But any time you go to a doctor, whether you do what they say or not, is helpful. Then at least you don't have to wonder anymore if you need one or not and you can check that off your list. Plus you have the added bonus of having a sounding board that is someone besides your wife.

07-01-2016, 12:52 PM
That article did not explain the type of anxiety I have because I am never down on myself and I don't have low self esteem. I consider that to be more of depression. However, I do worry and worry about anything and everything, so my primary problem is anxiety. I guess you already know that most doctors will prescribe medication, so be aware this could be the case. I think talk therapy could be helpful. Coping techniques you will learn on this forum such as meditation and exercise are great. But any time you go to a doctor, whether you do what they say or not, is helpful. Then at least you don't have to wonder anymore if you need one or not and you can check that off your list. Plus you have the added bonus of having a sounding board that is someone besides your wife.

I have done the meditation in the past and I do do yoga 3 days a week. It helps, when I'm doing it. It doesn't help on like some 3 day binge of just feeling off or any of the middle of the night stuff of course.

I'm really torn. I have long been a steadfast "no meds" person, buttt having said that, I'm tired of doing this.

07-01-2016, 06:21 PM
I know what you mean. I take Lexapro and it helps a lot. And, as much as I don't like taking benzodiazepines, I take that too on occasion.