View Full Version : I need help

06-29-2016, 07:08 PM
I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety over a year ago. Lately my dad died of a heart attack, and ever since its been very bad. I have been having chest pain, accompanied with jaw pain, arm pain, back pain, sweats. The whole heart-attack 9. Ive had 4 ekg's, x rays, blood tests. They say I'm fine. Please help

06-30-2016, 01:48 AM
Having symptoms of the thing that caused a love ones death I think is common. I thought I had heart and stroke symptoms too, they seemed real. Now I understand I don't have that issue because its 10 years later but the obsessing over it has trained my brain into doing it anyways.

My advice is to grieve properly as best as you can now, if you wait you could possibly just build on your problems and have a much bigger monster on your hands.