View Full Version : Ideas...is this anxiety and/or depression?

06-27-2016, 06:47 AM
Hey all
Been a sufferer for 24 yrs now diagnosed with GAD,OCD & depression.On zoloft and clonazepam currently.
In my childhood every time we moved house i would have these few days of weird/horrible feelings...unexplainable really...then my happyness would return.I suspect anxiety?
24 yrs ago was involved in a situation being trapped in a vehicle.Horrendous anxiety,feelings,emotions.Its like my brain exploded.I think my brain blew a fuse.
As of that day had these continual,daily bouts of this same feeling i had when moving as a child.The meds have taken the anxiety attacks away but continue to have these awful feelings.
Does this sound like a common anxiety disorder symptom?Any ideas?

06-28-2016, 02:46 PM
Saflyfish, to me anyway, depression and negative thoughts are a form of anxiety.

06-28-2016, 08:01 PM
Sometimes a very stressful event can cause long term anxiety.