View Full Version : Is this anxiety :(

06-26-2016, 02:54 PM
Hi Everyone...My name is Dean,
I really need some advise because i am really struggling with every day life...

Let me start by explaining my situation.

Three years ago i was smoking weed almost everyday, i switched to the synthetic weed (legal high) because i thought it was safer :(.
One evening i suddenly i got a very weird sensation in my chest and went all sweaty, rapid heart rate , i tried to sleep and then got these jolts.
Anyway, the next day i went to A&E and got the all clear.
Months past i was still left with the night jolts, pain in my left arm and chest etc, and sudden weird sensation in chest and then rapid heart rate.
I paid privately to see a cardiologist where i had every test, EKG, echo cardiogram, stress test, heart monitor etc all negative.

So in the period of 3 years i have been in an out of hospital and back and forward to my cardiologist with no firm diagnoses.

can this all be anxiety?

My symptoms at the moment are:

- Tingling just around my heart area very localised just around the heart
- A sharp stabbing pane that comes and goes to the left of my heart.

If this is just anxiety, how can the tingling be so centralised around my heart?

Note i haven't smoked anything in three years and don't drink

06-26-2016, 02:59 PM
Anxiety can cause many symptoms that appear real. Odds are if you had anything serious, one of the tests you had
would have caught it.

06-26-2016, 03:18 PM
Synthetic weed ruined my life and ever since my preexisting conditions got worse, I also developed hypertension and worse anxiety and social anxiety. That stuff can ruin your heart but you claim everything came back negative but anxiety doesn't just cause rapid heart rate and heart issues, it can make you very nervous even when nothings really going on. Maybe you should tell us more on how you feel during the day night when you're stressed and when you're not for us to understand better.

06-26-2016, 03:21 PM
Best advice I can give, is that if if hurts banging your head against a wall; stop banging your head against the wall. Moreover - Don't Blame The Wall, lest you wish to continue running into more.