View Full Version : Does it get any worse?

06-25-2016, 09:59 PM
Currently on Buspar 15mg a day and I'm miserable. This being only the second day I know people often have issues the first few days but I am feeling miserable, almost too miserable to type this out.

I sometimes wonder if I am the worst person out there, I am losing the energy and determination to put up with this anymore. Typing this is a lot of effort even though I type really fast but here we go.

My attitude:

My heart rate is constantly high due to anxiety, the rare moment I am not anxious it goes down to 55 bpm so I know its a heart issue.
I constantly check my pulse and blood pressure.
Extreme fear of not being able to get help fast enough if I need it.
Constant loneliness feeling (mainly because I am alone in an empty house most of the day).
Constant worrying about when I am going to go crazy.
Don't feel like anything will help.
Don't even want to deal with this, too much effort to fight it even though I have to.

My anxiety prevents me from EVERYTHING
I can't even drive or go to the store anymore.

I get anxious doing the following:

Showering, walking up stairs, brushing teeth, cleaning, trying to sleep, the list goes on. I won't even go over things like going out and stuff because I don't do that anymore.

Basically 95% of my existence is anxiety. Is there anyone out there who is bad as I am?

06-26-2016, 08:30 AM
Who is prescribing the Buspar for you? I think you need a very qualified professional to guide you to fighting this anxiety problem you have. Buspar is not very strong,and does not help everyone.

06-26-2016, 11:23 AM
I agree with Anne1221.

06-26-2016, 05:48 PM
Who is prescribing the Buspar for you? I think you need a very qualified professional to guide you to fighting this anxiety problem you have. Buspar is not very strong,and does not help everyone.

A psychiatrist who has 40+ years experience in the field.

I started to feel hot and cold at the same time on this stuff. Anxiety was through the roof. I just felt sick.

06-26-2016, 08:22 PM
I would follow-up with a call to your psychiatrist and describe to him the symptoms and concerns you have,

07-02-2016, 10:25 AM
Hi Spaceturtle :)

I haven't been here in ages but my anxiety is pretty bad atm so I came to have a look and your post struck a chord with me. I often think I have the worst anxiety in the world as well, and get all those things you listed. It's just the worst feeling! Like this awful dread for no reason at all. Well, in my case there is a reason but even when nothing is going on with that I feel panicky.

Bye for now,
Gypsy x

07-03-2016, 12:26 PM
I too would find another medicine. I'm thinking of trying a different one myself. Currently on (fluoxetine 10mg) it helped me before but I recently relapsed. I would say in the last 12 years I've fought anxiety "spells" at least 3 times. This current episode is very similar to my previous ones, but I'm currently thinking positive that it will work. Now, the feeling you have about 95% of your day is anxiety is very normal from what I'm told. I too felt this way and totally decided to get back in the swing of things, like writing down my daily goals, short, mid term, and long term. At the end, of the day I would go back to that list and verify if I had been successful. This usually helped me because I would confirm that "it" wasn't what I imagined.