View Full Version : New to this site, need some advice (or reassurance).

06-16-2016, 05:46 PM
I'd like to start off by saying this site has already helped me tremendously since I found it this morning. When I have anxiety, it quite literally ruins my life. It's constant, 24/7 pain and anguish from the moment I wake up til I fall asleep. Even when I sleep I sweat and have nightmares because of it. But I'm feeling much better thanks to what I've read.

Now to get into it. My names Danny, I'm 22 and male and just moved to Massachusetts from Ohio this past week. I've been going through a terrible bout of anxiety ever since I made the stupid decision to smoke incredibly strong weed with my friend, even though I know it induces panic attacks in me. Needless to say it put me into the longest (three hours) and most intense panic attack I've ever had. The whole 9 yards, straight up heart attack basically. After that it's been hell. I'm not new to anxiety, this has happened a few times before, always coming back with the same symptoms. However this time something is new. This anxiety is much more intense, border lining on terror constantly. In my left arm and possibly leg, I've been having some pain in what seems to be lymph nodes. That's the only difference between this bout and the others. I've always been very conscious of my health and worked out and tried to eat right, and the last time I got my bloodwork done I also did an extensive hormone panel. This was maybe two and a half years ago, everything came out perfectly.

So I ask, has anybody ever developed the sensation of painful lymph nodes from hypochondria (health anxiety)? I know with my form of anxiety, whatever disease I'm worried I have, I always develop the symptoms. I can pinpoint where the pain is coming from in my arm, but it feels too far down my inner arm to be an actual lymph node. No swelling of any lymph nodes on my body either. Do you think this could be my body just being completely run down from my body constantly being torn apart by anxiety?

Let me know what you think! I appreciate it.

06-17-2016, 05:55 AM
Hey Danny,

It seems more likely to me to be anxiety attacks, rather than panic attacks.

From a previous post, modified for you:

"There are some differences between anxiety and panic attacks. While books are written on this topic, the following will attempt to summarize some basics here for a brief overview".

Anxiety Attacks:
An anxiety attack, sometimes referred to as a panic attack, is an unforeseen periods or incidents where there is a sudden fright or fear of intense proportions. These attacks focus on fears that are most often not rational; however the person with the disorder believes he or she is in terrible danger or at extreme risk. Most often these anxiety attacks occur all of a sudden; i.e. they are not planned nor do they come with any type of warning mechanism built in for advance action. Results are that
the person suffering the attack will feel about to faint or near death's door. People who suffer anxiety attacks report the following symptoms, listed in no particular order:
Discomfort or pain in the chest Vertigo or
Dizziness Upset stomach / Nausea Loss of
Control, Loss of Mental Stability Stress
Cold or hot flashes Heart palpitations or
near heart attack Shallow breathing Shakes / Trembling
Anxiety disorder is characterized as having anxiety feelings that are "always there / all inclusive," make people want to isolate themselves from society and hamper everyday activities with others.

Panic Attacks:
On the other hand, a panic attack does not carry with it that "always there" association. In fact, panic episodes generally burst forth, peaking after roughly 10 minutes or so, then ending after about 25 minutes. During a panic attack, 4 of the symptoms listed below (in no particular order) generally make an appearance:
Hyperventilation, Shallow breathing, even to the point of
suffocation sensation...
Increased heart rates Tightness of chest, Chest pain or discomfort
Shakes / Trembling / Sweating Choking
sensation Upset Stomach / Nausea Vertigo
Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)
Surreal feelings Loss of Control, especially
of mental faculties Death coming on Numbing
Cold or hot flashes

The Difference:
The main difference between anxiety attacks and panic attacks is in the duration of the attack and how intense it is for the person with the affliction. While anxiety attacks are less hi-stress, they tend to last longer than the power-packed panic stressors".

If panic, learn an anti-panic breathing method before another attack, so you are proficient.

Advice from a clinical psychologist about panic attacks is to breathe in to the count of 3: ( count: one thousand one; one thousand two; one thousand three) each takes around a second to say to yourself, in your mind, and out to the count of 3. Keep repeating this until the panic subsides, (up to 25 minutes) which will deal with the hyperventilation aspect. Learn to recognise the thoughts which trigger attacks; challenge and reprogram as shown*.

Also learn, and employ either Progressive Muscle Relaxation ( http://www.drcoxconsulting.com/managing-stress.html ) or acupressure tapping / EFT, whichever you find most effective.

Give the Meridian Tapping Technique / EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. It is free via mercola.com or www.tapping.com (13 free videos), or www.eftuniverse.com or www.emofree.com or one of the many YouTube videos. Google: "YouTube; EFT videos".
Professionally instructed is generally preferable (Google: therapists; EFT; [your location] ). - There is a version for use in public places at http://eft.mercola.com (if you like, you can claim to have a headache, as you employ the acupressure massage / tapping on your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind: "Even though I suffer from anxiety / panic attacks, I deeply and completely accept myself)."

Use the Technique for Reprogramming Negative Thoughts: It's important to regularly monitor, and deal with a negative internal monologue (self talk), or mental process, such as disturbing thoughts, images, impulses, or emotions, by the process of (a): recognising it, and (b): challenging it immediately. Technique For Re-Programming Negative Thoughts: When you notice something negative, such as: "I can't do this/ am never going to get over this!" or: "Why am I always so useless/such a loser?" or even an image, emotion, or a memory; recognise that it is being generated from the negative part of your mind.

After identifying and labelling it, visualise a large, red, flashing, "STOP!" sign, and/or possibly a stern faced person wagging an index finger at you in a negative manner, then say to yourself as forcefully as you can, even aloud in a big voice, if alone: "I know this tactic: GO AWAY FOR A WHILE !!!" You may want to use either: "ruse", "ploy", "game", or "trick". In the case of an image, visualise a large "STOP" sign, or your preferred version.

Some people go so far as to keep a wide rubber band in their pocket, then put it around their wrist, when they catch themselves backsliding, stretch and release it, as a method of reprogramming their mind sooner, but I don't regard it as being strictly necessary. Remember to remove it, afterwards, if you use this method. Try replacing a negative thought with a positive affirmation of your choice, like: "I am a unique individual, with my own set of skills, and good points", or "I may not be perfect, but I'm doing the best I can, right now".

I'm aware of the opinion that inflicting pain doesn't prevent fear, but the intention is to reprogram, and establish a different way of thinking, by commitment to repetition. It usually takes around 25 to 40 repetitions to establish a new habit.

"Even if we have some vague idea that we are not our feelings or our thoughts, when we are experiencing painful feelings or painful thoughts, we believe we have to feel them or think them just because of the fact that they are occurring to us. But painful feelings can be indirectly controlled by physical action, and changing our present thoughts for different thoughts (since feeling occurs as a result of thinking.) Painful thoughts can be directly controlled by choosing replacement thoughts for the ones that are troubling us. Sure, it takes some practice to change a habit. But it can be done. Of course it can't be done if we choose to believe that it can't be done. But, since the choice is ours, why not choose to believe it can be done, and do it?"

Read: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by Dennis Greenberger and Christine Padesky, & Change Your Thinking by Sarah Edelman, & "Feeling Good." The New Mood Therapy. Harper Collins.1999. ( updated sequel to his US bestseller about treating depression & anxiety; very comprehensive), by David D. Burns, M.D. Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind; view http://myfavoriteinterests.com/hypnosis/ about what it is, and isn't. 85% of people are suggestible to some degree; 15% - 20% highly so, and 15% - 20% aren't much at all, so you could either preferably seek professional hypnotherapy, or, if not an option, hypnosisdownloads.com has one about stopping negative thoughts.

Check out http://www.wikihow.com/wikiHowTo?search=stop+negative+thoughts such as: "How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts: 9 Steps", & "How to Use Switchwords to Clear Negative Thoughts: 5 Steps".

"I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside" - Dr. Wayne Dyer*.


My previous post about hypochondriasis may be viewed at: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33806-BAD-Health-anxiety-Have-afew-questions

GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33964-New-to-the-site-and-looking-for-help&p=223989#post223989

06-17-2016, 06:07 AM
A previous post follows: Remember the troubling nightmare in as much detail as you can. Create a scenario in which you manage to prevail. "Tonight, in my dreams, I want to confront the ???/call on a dream ally for help". Write down your chosen form on a piece of paper, at least 3 times, and repeat 3 times aloud, after lights out, and visualise yourself doing it, as vividly as you can, and WANT TO DO IT!!!, with all the desire you can muster, to better communicate this concept to your subconscious mind, through imagery & emotional intensity, so it understands that this is important. Place the piece of paper under your pillow (metaphorically "sleeping on it"). Your subconscious existed before you could walk, or talk. It knows images, muscles/movement, and emotions: communicate with it in terms it can understand. It doesn't understand negatives, and everything is in the present tense to it; there is no past or future. When dreaming, try calling for assistance from a dream character - anyone, alive or long since passed on, even your favorite superhero is available to provide assistance, in the dreamstate. You can even try the technique of "dream re-entry", and use your new solution in that exact same situation. Try the above for 2 - 3 weeks; I believe there is a good chance they will work.

Options, for later: Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind. 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or more alternatives along such lines are on page O at your-mental-health.8m.com, below where this came from. My experience, however, is that the subconscious mind will re-manifest them in a different form, until what it sees as the problem is satisfactorily dealt with. In dream analysis, we are taught that each character inhabiting a dream represents some part of us. It is an axiom that the sole judge of the interpretation of any dream/nightmare is the person who dreamt it. If the nightmare doesn't respond to the above, after a few weeks of trying that technique every night; then it is time to look deeper for the cause. You may benefit from looking at your normal waking life.

What problems, and decisions are there? Is there something you have been avoiding, or putting off? Your subconscious mind is trying to get you to focus on something which it considers is important, and resolve it. You could try asking for an answer in your dreams, as per the previous answer, writing it down 3 times, repeating to yourself in bed, after lights out, and focusing on wanting the answer. "Tonight, in my dreams, I want to remember what the figure is trying to tell me". This method, if it works, should do so in a week, or two. If not, hypnotictapes.com has one titled "dream the answer", but professional hypnotherapy is always much preferable. Many nightmares result from anxiety, so I suggest that learning to deal effectively with the anxiety in your normal waking life may well have a carryover effect into the realm of dreams. http://sfhelp.org/gwc/wounds.htm may be worth checking out, as well. I have noticed that, since I began using 100mg of 5-htp daily for anxiety, my dreams have become considerably less unpleasant(if you decide to try it, begin with 50 mg, and if no adverse reaction, increase slowly to 100, 150, or 200 mg. I regard 300 mg as the maximum safe dosage, but would advise seeking medical advice beforehand. Avoid protein intake 2 hrs before, until 2 hrs after, or take with a very low protein meal or snack, to maximise the amount crossing the blood / brain barrier).
Eating some things, like large, hot, heavy, or spicy meals late at night, results in nightmares for some people, so be aware of this, and if you experience a nightmare, ask yourself what was it that you ate beforehand, and avoid such "nightmare triggers" in future, unless consumed early in the evening, or before. Avoid coffee/caffeine products within 6 hrs of bedtime; a list is on page F, at weebly.com, below. If you go to http://www.mercola.com and type "EFT" (and EFT therapists) in the taskbar provided, there is an affirmation on nightmares, and this technique is well worth trying, before paying for remedies or professional therapy, and if you give it a good try, but find it ineffective, the alternatives are still there for you to try. www.tapping.com has 13 free videos on it; also www.emofree.com. Read: Banishing Night Terrors And Nightmares: A Breakthrough Program to Heal the Traumas That Shatter Peaceful Sleep by Christopher Raoul Carranza and Jane Rogers Dill, from your bookstore, or Amazon.com More on hypnosis for nightmares is at http://your-mental-health.weebly.com/o.html and effective natural treatments for anxiety are shown on pages 1, and i. If stressed, see page M. More about dream analysis is on page O. View http://www.dreammoods.com/dreaminformation/dreamtheory/perls.htm
From RW Possum: "There is a simple but effective method of overcoming recurrent nightmares. It's been tested with PTSD victims. This could be the most effective self help method for a psychological problem. It's called imagery rehearsal. You take things from the nightmare and use them to write a different version that has a happy ending. Then you "rehearse" the dream in your imagination while you're in a relaxed state, over and over. Common relaxation methods are slow, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation (see PMR in Wikipedia)."