View Full Version : Am I normal?

06-06-2016, 05:28 AM
I'm not sure if I should even be posting here, I'm nervous that I might be "jumping on a bandwagon" Anxiety seems to be the latest fad that everyone wants to tick off and overcome. I have always felt a bit different but never quite sure why, I'll be honest for a long time I just thought I didn't fit in. Then I read a little bit about anxiety and it kind of made sense, I'm very new to all this so please tell me if I have it all wrong. I suppose what I'm looking for is some reassurance that I'm not a nutjob really. From the outside looking in, I am a successful, married man who is outgoing and (to be honest) a little arrogant, the truth is I'm in a constant battle with myself. I have spent my whole life proving people wrong and overcoming challenges but in reality I'm a nervous wreck. I overthink everything to the point of exhaustion, I find it impossible to do anything impulsively without meticulously planning every detail and I'm my own worst enemy. I am wracked with self doubt but I don't know why. If I go out I spend the first half of the night worrying about how I look or whether I fit in and the rest of the night making a prat of myself because I finally feel relaxed (hammered). I'm not really sure why I'm posting this if I'm honest, I suppose I am just wondering if this rings a bell with anyone, and if it does, has anyone managed to overcome it?

Sorry if I am hijacking the forum but I wasn't really sure what else to try.

Thanks for reading,


06-06-2016, 05:37 AM
There is no clear definition for normality, and who even cares if your not?

We are who we are

06-06-2016, 07:30 AM
I'm not sure if I should even be posting here, I'm nervous that I might be "jumping on a bandwagon" Anxiety seems to be the latest fad that everyone wants to tick off and overcome. I have always felt a bit different but never quite sure why, I'll be honest for a long time I just thought I didn't fit in. Then I read a little bit about anxiety and it kind of made sense, I'm very new to all this so please tell me if I have it all wrong. I suppose what I'm looking for is some reassurance that I'm not a nutjob really. From the outside looking in, I am a successful, married man who is outgoing and (to be honest) a little arrogant, the truth is I'm in a constant battle with myself. I have spent my whole life proving people wrong and overcoming challenges but in reality I'm a nervous wreck. I overthink everything to the point of exhaustion, I find it impossible to do anything impulsively without meticulously planning every detail and I'm my own worst enemy. I am wracked with self doubt but I don't know why. If I go out I spend the first half of the night worrying about how I look or whether I fit in and the rest of the night making a prat of myself because I finally feel relaxed (hammered). I'm not really sure why I'm posting this if I'm honest, I suppose I am just wondering if this rings a bell with anyone, and if it does, has anyone managed to overcome it?

Sorry if I am hijacking the forum but I wasn't really sure what else to try.

Thanks for reading,


Welcome my friend you are human. You described my "GO OUT" procedure to a T. I am very vain about my appearance, no need to be, but I am and worry about every detail and will also over indulge and make an @ss of myself, happens because for a change you are relaxed and don't feel like you have to be on.

The big problem is when you worry so much about all these things they consume you with worry of how you present yourself or what others think about you every minute of the day. Why does it happen...I guess at some point we learned that we were not as good as others and always feel inadequate in our minds. I think some of my insecurities come for have a couple of tall, good looking, popular, intelligent brothers, compared to myself, short, plain, unpopular, and struggled for every grade kind of person. Anyway although we were raised the same, went to same schools, same parents etc...we had to very different realities.

I work on not being consumed by these feelings everyday and watch my alcohol consumption when out, I don't like being an @ss.....but I am not nearly as fun anymore. Good luck.

06-08-2016, 05:38 AM
You are human but you must stop overanalizing and overthinking etc this will go you crazy .You must put a order in your thoughts and choose only those who make you good