View Full Version : 7 Day long Anxiety Lightheadedness,Brain fog, Head pressure. Doctors won't help. HELP

05-27-2016, 10:42 AM
For 7 days straight.. I've had Brain fog / Lightheadedness / Head pressure. It hasn't left once.. It hasn't got worse or better.

I went to the ER. They did a MRI/EKG all clear.. Said it was stress / Anxiety. Gave me a Xanax and I felt way better.. I could function. Before.. I had to stay in bed all day with my eyes shut 24/7. The ER Doctor gave me 5 Xanax doses just to get me through until I see a GP doctor. It got me through and I was able to function and I only had alil brain fog.. Everything else was gone.

I went to the follow up doctor and he's going to do a full blood work test.. But only prescribed me Welbutrin. He refused to give Xanax. He wouldnt give me anything for the Lightheadedness / brain fog / Head pressure. So now I have to suffer and stay in bed all day with my eyes shut for a week.

Nothing has worked.. Tynenol / Motrin.. Only excederin tension headache as I think I have a lot of tension in my head.. But it has 65mg caffein per dose which gives me really bad anxiety. Anyone ever have this provlem? What over the counter drugs helped?

I do believe it is anxiety if Xanax is working.. So it might be tension related.. But the brain fog is always their.. Just not as bad. Ide appreciate any advice / help

05-29-2016, 06:53 PM
For 7 days straight.. I've had Brain fog / Lightheadedness / Head pressure. It hasn't left once.. It hasn't got worse or better.

I went to the ER. They did a MRI/EKG all clear.. Said it was stress / Anxiety. Gave me a Xanax and I felt way better.. I could function. Before.. I had to stay in bed all day with my eyes shut 24/7. The ER Doctor gave me 5 Xanax doses just to get me through until I see a GP doctor. It got me through and I was able to function and I only had alil brain fog.. Everything else was gone.

I went to the follow up doctor and he's going to do a full blood work test.. But only prescribed me Welbutrin. He refused to give Xanax. He wouldnt give me anything for the Lightheadedness / brain fog / Head pressure. So now I have to suffer and stay in bed all day with my eyes shut for a week.

Nothing has worked.. Tynenol / Motrin.. Only excederin tension headache as I think I have a lot of tension in my head.. But it has 65mg caffein per dose which gives me really bad anxiety. Anyone ever have this provlem? What over the counter drugs helped?

I do believe it is anxiety if Xanax is working.. So it might be tension related.. But the brain fog is always their.. Just not as bad. Ide appreciate any advice / help

Still suffering :/ anyone?

05-31-2016, 03:18 AM
I know that feeling all too well :( Sometimes I wish I can just take a deep breath and blow it all out.

I'm not sure what Welbrutin is, so I'm not sure what over the counter things you could take. It might be an idea to to see a parmacists and explain what you are taking as aski if there's something else you can take too? (I find they know just as much as doctors)

05-31-2016, 08:06 AM
My anxiety is almost always accompanied by light headedness. It is akin to the feeling of just stepping off a boat that was in relatively choppy water. It really is unpleasant.

There are a couple of things to consider: it could be how your body is now dealing with seasonal allergies. Allergies have gotten worse over the past few years and the seasons are longer. For some people, especially as we age, it is manifested as slight dizziness. You could also have an inner ear imbalance. Hopefully, your dr is exploring these as well. But more than likely, it is just another unpleasant anxiety symptom.

EDIT: should've also mentioned that those are also migraine symptoms.

05-31-2016, 10:58 AM
For 7 days straight.. I've had Brain fog / Lightheadedness / Head pressure. It hasn't left once.. It hasn't got worse or better.

I went to the ER. They did a MRI/EKG all clear.. Said it was stress / Anxiety. Gave me a Xanax and I felt way better.. I could function. Before.. I had to stay in bed all day with my eyes shut 24/7. The ER Doctor gave me 5 Xanax doses just to get me through until I see a GP doctor. It got me through and I was able to function and I only had alil brain fog.. Everything else was gone.

I went to the follow up doctor and he's going to do a full blood work test.. But only prescribed me Welbutrin. He refused to give Xanax. He wouldnt give me anything for the Lightheadedness / brain fog / Head pressure. So now I have to suffer and stay in bed all day with my eyes shut for a week.

Nothing has worked.. Tynenol / Motrin.. Only excederin tension headache as I think I have a lot of tension in my head.. But it has 65mg caffein per dose which gives me really bad anxiety. Anyone ever have this provlem? What over the counter drugs helped?

I do believe it is anxiety if Xanax is working.. So it might be tension related.. But the brain fog is always their.. Just not as bad. Ide appreciate any advice / help

Get a new doctor, for sure. If you're suffering from anxiety like this, you deserve a sedative like Xanax to stop the attack. I'd recommend going to an Urgent Care dr. that sees anxiety patients. It's quick and they usually give you plenty so you can find a new dr. Just explain everything to them.

For long term, I recommend working on your diet and exercise. Avoid alcohol!

-AV, 11Bravo US Army

05-31-2016, 02:10 PM
My anxiety is almost always accompanied by light headedness. It is akin to the feeling of just stepping off a boat that was in relatively choppy water. It really is unpleasant.

There are a couple of things to consider: it could be how your body is now dealing with seasonal allergies. Allergies have gotten worse over the past few years and the seasons are longer. For some people, especially as we age, it is manifested as slight dizziness. You could also have an inner ear imbalance. Hopefully, your dr is exploring these as well. But more than likely, it is just another unpleasant anxiety symptom.

EDIT: should've also mentioned that those are also migraine symptoms.

You think what I'm going through is migraine symptoms? I believe it could be both migraine and anxiety.

05-31-2016, 02:12 PM
Get a new doctor, for sure. If you're suffering from anxiety like this, you deserve a sedative like Xanax to stop the attack. I'd recommend going to an Urgent Care dr. that sees anxiety patients. It's quick and they usually give you plenty so you can find a new dr. Just explain everything to them.

For long term, I recommend working on your diet and exercise. Avoid alcohol!

-AV, 11Bravo US Army

I'll try to find one. As soon as I feel better I am Gona work out like crazy And my diet has been great since I got anxiety. I don't drink.

05-31-2016, 03:41 PM
It is possible that you have migraines and anxiety. Migraines have a whole host of symptoms, including the ones you describe. I am a migraine sufferer and almost never get a debilitating headache. Feeling like your head is in a vice is common. There is a good book called "Heal your Headache" that you might want to get. Diet plays a huge part, per the book.

05-31-2016, 03:55 PM
It is possible that you have migraines and anxiety. Migraines have a whole host of symptoms, including the ones you describe. I am a migraine sufferer and almost never get a debilitating headache. Feeling like your head is in a vice is common. There is a good book called "Heal your Headache" that you might want to get. Diet plays a huge part, per the book.

Thank you I will check it out. It has been almost 2 weeks of the brain fog / Lightheadedness . The head pressure comes and goes. And when I wake up it isn't as bad until maybe 30 min - 1 hour in so I suspect that is anxiety.

My neck and back of head is soar from when I do progressive muscle relaxation and I might have squeezed my face / neck too hard and it might have caused it. I'm not sure.. Seeing the doctor Thursday and getting the bloodwork in. I'll keep you all posted.

06-02-2016, 07:36 PM
Thank you I will check it out. It has been almost 2 weeks of the brain fog / Lightheadedness . The head pressure comes and goes. And when I wake up it isn't as bad until maybe 30 min - 1 hour in so I suspect that is anxiety.

My neck and back of head is soar from when I do progressive muscle relaxation and I might have squeezed my face / neck too hard and it might have caused it. I'm not sure.. Seeing the doctor Thursday and getting the bloodwork in. I'll keep you all posted.

Went to the doctor today and good news... Thyroid function is good / BP is good / no high cholesterol / all vitamins and nutrients is fine / said its just anxiety .. He prescribed me Paxil but no sedative :( so I guess I will be using excederine everyday until Paxil kicks in :(

06-02-2016, 07:57 PM
I feel light headed sometimes and my ENT physician said it may be from
inner ear issues as fluid movement, etc.

06-03-2016, 08:22 PM
I have the exact same problems you described. 24/7 head pressure almost feels like something crawling in your head. Tired all the time and feels like a knot in my chest and stomach. Always have this sinking feeling in my chest and hard to focus on anything especially driving. I too had all the blood work done and everything checked out fine. Wish this would go away!!!

06-04-2016, 04:25 AM
Thank you I will check it out. It has been almost 2 weeks of the brain fog / Lightheadedness . The head pressure comes and goes. And when I wake up it isn't as bad until maybe 30 min - 1 hour in so I suspect that is anxiety.

That's how it was like with me for a long time. I was fine in the morning and then when I thought about it, it would come back. I remember once being in a supermarket and looking at jars of pickled things and thinking 'my head has been ok today!' and then BAM, it went all heavy and horrible :/ That's when I started to accept it was anxiety.

I know the problem with me was that I kept being told it was anxiety, but nobody ever told me why it was happening. If that makes sense.