View Full Version : Do I need it? Prozac

05-23-2016, 09:52 AM
Hi guys,

Well I have been experiencing anxiety for quite some time, but have never had a full blown panic attack. The main time my anxiety "flairs up" (for lack of a better word) is when I am entering a new social situation where I may not know the people that well, if at all, when I am talking to someone with authority...(kind of weird), or when I am trying to become confrontational and interject my opinion. I have felt tired all of the time for the past year or two and I have been getting tension headaches because of stress. In addition, I'll have words on the tip of my tongue and won't be able to get it out, my memory seems to be going downhill. I do feel anxious a lot of the time, even when I am just sitting at home, but these times are a lot more manageable than the others listed prior.

My primary care physician thought that it would be a good idea for me to begin taking 20 mg of Prozac everyday. I am currently only on my fourth day of taking it, but keep wondering to myself should I really be taking it? Do I really need it? Some of my concerns are include not being able to come off of it because I'll become dependent on it, the prozac down-regulating my serotonin levels, and finally when I do come off of it - I may feel worse off than I was before taking it.

I have never been on medication before and to be quite honest am extremely worried about beginning. I don't think I have ever felt depression, nor does my general anxiety bother me too much (I do wish it would go away), the only time I can't stand my anxiety is when I can't think on my feet because of how nervous I am either stating my opinion or talking to someone new. Also, it would nice to not be tired all of the time and get rid of my mild headaches, but I don't know for sure if these are linked to anxiety.

Thanks so much everyone and please don't be afraid to hold back when telling me what you think I should do. I just wish I could "cure" my anxiety but I don't know if medication is the right choice. Will I feel better when I come off? I have pretty low self confidence and have to believe once I can build up my confidence, the anxiety will begin to diminish. Can prozac help me do it?

Thanks again,


05-23-2016, 01:39 PM
Don't worry about not being able to get off of it. You will be able to do that but you have to go slowly and taper off, you can't just abruptly quit. Prozac is one of the easier medications to get off of. I say you give it a try for 3 months and then you'll know if it helps you or not. You'll be able to get off fairly easily. The one thing you may not like is the side effects such as maybe being drowsy. In my case, the Prozac increased my appetite. It's worth a try. In three months see if you feel better or worse. It will be clear to you then. It's certainly worth a try. Then you will know for sure if these extra things are due to anxiety because if it is anxiety, they will improve. Be aware it can take up to 4 weeks for the full benefits of the medication to kick in.

05-24-2016, 01:46 PM
Thanks so much for the reply. I'll do what you say and give it a try.

Thanks again

05-24-2016, 08:03 PM
I asked my wife who is a pharmacist and she agrees with Anne1221 for the most part.