View Full Version : Delay in Feeling in touch / Brain fog,haze/ lack of focus help please

05-22-2016, 12:09 PM
Hi everyone

I had a panic attack back in november and it started with me getting in the car and things got really slow.. I couldn't
feel the steering wheel until like 2-4 seconds later.. My feeling way delayed. I was hyperventilating and then the racing heart came and then the chest pain happened.. But as soon as I got out the car it all went away.

Yesterday it came back but at first just the severe brain fog.. Like their was a haze in my head. I couldn't focus. Then I got off the couch and felt weird.. Went to get my phone out the pockeT and when I grabbed my phone I couldn't feel my phone until like 2-3 seconds after I grabbed it. All day I had the severe brain fog and next day I still have it.

Does anyone have this problem ? I was diagnosed with GAD

I am calm and relaxing but my brain fog won't go away and I'm lightheaded.

05-22-2016, 08:30 PM
Hi everyone

I had a panic attack back in november and it started with me getting in the car and things got really slow.. I couldn't
feel the steering wheel until like 2-4 seconds later.. My feeling way delayed. I was hyperventilating and then the racing heart came and then the chest pain happened.. But as soon as I got out the car it all went away.

Yesterday it came back but at first just the severe brain fog.. Like their was a haze in my head. I couldn't focus. Then I got off the couch and felt weird.. Went to get my phone out the pockeT and when I grabbed my phone I couldn't feel my phone until like 2-3 seconds after I grabbed it. All day I had the severe brain fog and next day I still have it.

Does anyone have this problem ? I was diagnosed with GAD

I am calm and relaxing but my brain fog won't go away and I'm lightheaded.

Ended up going to the ER they said it was just anxiety. It's messed up anxiety can give you brain fog and severe headaches for 24 hours +

05-23-2016, 09:53 AM
Ended up going to the ER they said it was just anxiety. It's messed up anxiety can give you brain fog and severe headaches for 24 hours +

Still having brain fog / Lightheadedness. The ER didn't take blood work. Just an MRI/EKG so I'm kinda worried it could be something else besides anxiety

I can touch something and won't feel it for 2-3 seconds later and I get really brain fogged / really slow. It happens rarely


05-23-2016, 12:04 PM
Still having brain fog / Lightheadedness. The ER didn't take blood work. Just an MRI/EKG so I'm kinda worried it could be something else besides anxiety

I can touch something and won't feel it for 2-3 seconds later and I get really brain fogged / really slow. It happens rarely


It could be anxiety, it presents different for different people. I really don't know what to tell you other than get checked out by Doc to rule out any other possibilities. Best wishes.

05-23-2016, 03:44 PM
It could be anxiety, it presents different for different people. I really don't know what to tell you other than get checked out by Doc to rule out any other possibilities. Best wishes.


What else would a regular doctor do ? The ER Doctor already saw me and said its anxiety before and after he saw my EKG/MRI results? He did give me Xanax and I felt way better. But the next day I woke up back to normal.

What tests should I ask for?

I'm already meditating 2 hrs a day and progressive muscle relaxaxing 30min-1 hr a day

05-24-2016, 12:09 PM

What else would a regular doctor do ? The ER Doctor already saw me and said its anxiety before and after he saw my EKG/MRI results? He did give me Xanax and I felt way better. But the next day I woke up back to normal.

What tests should I ask for?

I'm already meditating 2 hrs a day and progressive muscle relaxaxing 30min-1 hr a day

Still feeling really lightheaded / brain fogged it's really bad I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow.

Can anxiety/stress really give you that bad of a headache/brain fog / lightheadednes for 3 days straight? No matter what I do to relax it will not go away.. And the ER Doctor and nurse / ambulance said its just anxiety / stress. It makes no sense why it's been 72 hours of straight torment.. Tynenol or Motrin does absolutely nothing.

05-25-2016, 11:56 AM

What else would a regular doctor do ? The ER Doctor already saw me and said its anxiety before and after he saw my EKG/MRI results? He did give me Xanax and I felt way better. But the next day I woke up back to normal.

What tests should I ask for?

I'm already meditating 2 hrs a day and progressive muscle relaxaxing 30min-1 hr a day

OK I was not sure of what Dr may have tested you for, but I have been a fan of any diagnosis without testing for other possibilities. The reason I say that is because along with GAD, I am also Hypoglycemic and have "weird" blood pressure, meaning I will be good with BP levels for months or a year and then all of a sudden it will spike into dangerous levels, no rhyme or reason for it, anyway at times I can not tell if my anxiety is up( attack on its way) or if my blood sugar has dropped or BP is spiking...often they all present in the same fashion. I have at times thought I was on verge of an anxiety attack only to discover my BP had jumped int stroke range or that my blood sugar bottomed out. Its just better to be sure of what the problem is. After all these years I have a routine when the feeling comes on, first eat something...if still feeling bad, check BP, if that is good start calming myself down and or take a time out and go to my happy place LOL.

05-25-2016, 02:59 PM
OK I was not sure of what Dr may have tested you for, but I have been a fan of any diagnosis without testing for other possibilities. The reason I say that is because along with GAD, I am also Hypoglycemic and have "weird" blood pressure, meaning I will be good with BP levels for months or a year and then all of a sudden it will spike into dangerous levels, no rhyme or reason for it, anyway at times I can not tell if my anxiety is up( attack on its way) or if my blood sugar has dropped or BP is spiking...often they all present in the same fashion. I have at times thought I was on verge of an anxiety attack only to discover my BP had jumped int stroke range or that my blood sugar bottomed out. Its just better to be sure of what the problem is. After all these years I have a routine when the feeling comes on, first eat something...if still feeling bad, check BP, if that is good start calming myself down and or take a time out and go to my happy place LOL.

I understand. I just hope it's just anxiety and stress(I fear gut problems / lymes disease as I've heard it can cause brain fog).. It's been 7 months of not seeking help(seeing a doctor) because I've went through anxiety before and I wanted to heal it herbally/ with Meditation and diet / exercise. And I guess 7 months of not seeking help built up a lot of tension and stress and fear in the body because I didn't know the true cause and if their was something wrong.

When I recently went to the ER they said I'm healthy young guy and the EKG/MRI is fine. I don't have any symptoms when I take Xanax.. But as soon as it wears off the head pressure / Lightheadedness / brain fog comes back hard. So I'm guessing it's just a tension headache.. It's hard to believe they can last so long... It's been 5 days straight.

Will a simple blood work check for hypoglycemia/thyroid issues/STDs/lymes disease?

05-26-2016, 02:03 AM
You're probably getting up too fast from a resting position. Exercise might help.