View Full Version : Please Help.

05-22-2016, 11:37 AM
Hi i'm 13 living in England diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder a while ago, my life came crashing down before my eyes back in 2012 because my parents moved me into a private school and my mums dad had passed away at the same time, ever since then i've been having constant bad thoughts about Death and sometimes i will freak out when i think i have symptoms of Cancer and other things.

(PLEASE READ THIS) lately i've been getting thoughts out of the blue saying stuff like "6 Weeks" or "Tuesday" this makes me believe these are my death dates.

I've been looking at this forum since i was around 12 and i only registered today because i feel things are taking a turn for the worst.

My parents have taken me to lots of different people but they never help me.

I'm scared and paranoid about these thoughts and i normally counter them by saying something like "55 Years" but i'm generally starting to think these thoughts are real because i can't find anybody else who has similar things to this.

I havent been in school probably for a while now this is ruining my life please respond

I was prescribed Sertraline for around 2 years but i recently got it stopped because they thought i was okay again but i really hope somebody else has a similar thing to this I can't focus my family try to help but they don't understand because they don't see it the same way i do.

Another thing is they say i have OCD but i'm not obsessed about neatness or anything maybe its something else? I caused my parents so much trouble and they where so upset about my situation i know i sound like i'm rambling but i'm really scared.

Joy of Smiles
05-23-2016, 09:52 PM
Hey there, pal! Don't worry, first off, anxiety can make your life take so many dark turns you start feeling cold dread. I had thoughts about death, and noticed people had similar thoughts as well, but yours seems unique.

Quick Note: OCD is sometimes not just about obsessing over neatness, but obsessing over thoughts.

Though, since you possibly suffer from OCD, this could be just your deep thoughts taking over. Honestly, you should know that no human can predict the future. No one ever gets a sign that resembles their future. Especially about their date of death. Many anxieties that comes from inactivity or obsessive thoughts include these kinds of thoughts, I shouldn't explain them though due to risks of possibly making things worse, but remember, the future does not happen already. You can still change the future, because the future doesn't exist yet! What I suggest is meditating as it helps you gain more control of your brain, and this means controlling your thoughts a bit more easily. Don't start thinking about the future, because this causes you to obsess even more about your anxiety. You're not going to die in a specific date, nobody ever dies in specific dates by signs coming from the mind. Anxieties usually are just a temporary phase. Hang in there, and eventually the thoughts will start fading away. Meditation, hobbies, comedy, communication, and happiness helps youthink more positive. Feel free to add me and message me if you ever need comfort or someone to talk to!

06-05-2016, 09:06 PM
Yeah dude, i have OCD and go through things like this with what i have found to be called "intrusive thoughts". These are thoughts that cause you great anxiety and don't seem to want to go away. But what you have to realize is that these are just thoughts, they cant hurt you. This is definitely easier said than done, but with time you can do it. I completely understand where your coming from because i get terrible thoughts like those. Thoughts like "You will feel nothing for the things you really like" and "Every time you try to go to sleep, you will catch yourself and wake up", these thoughts torment me a lot. But i have slowly been trying to accept, like i said, that these are just thoughts. It's going to be ok dude, it really is.

Also you said you don't know if this is OCD or not, because you don't have obsessions. The thing is that you do have obsessions but they are in your head rather than external. You should try to look into the Pure O version of OCD, and intrusive thoughts. If need be, you could find a therapist that specializes in OCD therapy.

Note: Wrote this then looked up and saw what Joy of Smiles wrote. Very similar concepts but was not trying to copy, sorry if it seemed that way.

Joy of Smiles
06-05-2016, 09:37 PM
Note: Wrote this then looked up and saw what Joy of Smiles wrote. Very similar concepts but was not trying to copy, sorry if it seemed that way.

No problems, pal! As long as it's supportive!

06-08-2016, 05:41 AM
Do you try a therapist ?

06-08-2016, 06:49 AM
Who is this question being asked to? Kinda hard to tell sorry.