View Full Version : Irrational fears of negative tests

05-07-2016, 03:25 PM
Hey all,

I've suffered from a whole slew of anxiety symptoms, including the trifecta of PAC's, PVC's and PSVT for several months. I was worked up with 24 hour holter, Echo, multiple EKG's, stress test and blood work, and just like a car that only runs at the mechanic, nothing showed up. The day I took off the Holter and walking to my car after the stress test, bam, everything hit me like it was storing it up until I was done.

Regardless, I was told by my GP and Cardiologist that my heart is "Healthy" and I was prescribed a low dose of Diltiazem and Lexapro to help calm things down for a bit.

However, I still have panic attacks nightly with PSVT, chest pains, difficulty breathing, and muscle spasms. Every day I live with constant worry that at any moment I'll suddenly collapse with V-Fib or Cardiac Arrest and die.

Can these "skipped beats" be a precursor or lead to something catastrophic such as sudden cardiac arrest? Or is it still just Anxiety playing on my irrational fears? I guess my biggest concern is that since the doctors didn't see any symptoms, they must have missed them and there's still something insidious lurking beneath the surface.