View Full Version : Morning anxiety

05-05-2016, 07:37 PM
Hi! Lately I've been having morning anxiety caused by no particular thought. I mean, I will wake up shaking and hyperventilating, I wake up from the shaking. I will have very sore muscles from tensing up, and a rapid heart beat.
Most of my anxiety happens by me dwelling on a bad thought for too long, then one thought leads to another..
But, I wake up from the shaking, so I couldn't have possibly been having bad thoughts. And I don't remember my dreams, so I wouldn't know if I had been panicking from a dream or not.
I'm thinking of taking a hydroxyzine before bed, but I'd like to try and find what's causing morning anxiety first and see if I can fix it.
I usually can calm myself down within 5-10 minutes, but it's still scary to wake up and be in flight mode.
Does anyone have any ideas of what this could be?

05-06-2016, 02:41 AM
oh yes citrusbliss it's said that

When we are feeling stressed, our bodies produce a hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol levels are naturally at their highest in the morning and lowest at night. Our bodies will also produce Cortisol when we are feeling anxious to help with the “fight or flight” response.

It becomes a vicious cycle. We wake up feeling intense because of the stored up Cortisol levels throughout the night, which makes us feel anxious, so our bodies continue to pump out Cortisol, which creates more anxiety, which produces more cortisol, which causes us to feel more anxious, etc.

Amygdala activation increases the release of cortisone hormone too and triggering "fight or flight" reaction which sends false fear signals to the brain we end up feeling more anxious.

5. Take anti-stress supplements like B vitamins, minerals like calcium, magnesium, chromium and zinc, and antioxidants like vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid, grapeseed extract, and Co Q 10. Adaptogen herbs like ginseng, astragalus, eleuthero, schizandra, Tulsi (holy basil) rhodiola and ashwagandha help the body cope with the side effects of stress and rebalance the metabolism. These supplement and herbs will not only lower cortisol levels but they will also help you decrease the effects of stress on the body by boosting the immune system.

05-07-2016, 01:14 PM
Thank you for replying! Your response explains a lot. I hope I can get my hands on some B vitamins by tonight, and some herbs!
oh yes citrusbliss it's said that

Amygdala activation increases the release of cortisone hormone too and triggering "fight or flight" reaction which sends false fear signals to the brain we end up feeling more anxious.