View Full Version : Friend didn't invite me to ladies night

05-03-2016, 09:39 AM
I am so upset, this girl from my church who I thought was my friend had a ladies night get together and posted pictures on FB, and when I asked what it was for and if it was dress shopping she said "No. We were hanging out. And you dont need to be at every social thing I do, ok? Im sorry, but no." What the heck? She hasnt ever invited me to a single social thing shes done, ever. And then I said well sorry for asking I just felt excluded. She said theres no reason you should have felt excluded. But isnt that what you just did? And then to follow it up with an exclusive remark of I dont need to be at every social event you do. Wth? On top of that sh d made a fb post about a sushi get together and when I responded told me itwas cancelled and woulc reschedule it fof next week, then ended up cancelling again because she forgot sh ed had an appointment to get her phone fixed. Then she glared at me at church and didnt end up going to a small group prayer meeting that she was goingto go to after seeing that I was there. I dont know what to do

05-03-2016, 11:27 AM
I am so upset, this girl from my church who I thought was my friend had a ladies night get together and posted pictures on FB, and when I asked what it was for and if it was dress shopping she said "No. We were hanging out. And you dont need to be at every social thing I do, ok? Im sorry, but no." What the heck? She hasnt ever invited me to a single social thing shes done, ever. And then I said well sorry for asking I just felt excluded. She said theres no reason you should have felt excluded. But isnt that what you just did? And then to follow it up with an exclusive remark of I dont need to be at every social event you do. Wth? On top of that sh d made a fb post about a sushi get together and when I responded told me itwas cancelled and woulc reschedule it fof next week, then ended up cancelling again because she forgot sh ed had an appointment to get her phone fixed. Then she glared at me at church and didnt end up going to a small group prayer meeting that she was goingto go to after seeing that I was there. I dont know what to do

Don't waste your time, you can never make some one like you. They either do or don't. Find friends who appreciate you for you . This girl is no friend. Consider yourself lucky not to be associated with her. Just as a note, I grew up rural and church was pretty much the heart of all social gatherings and it was very clique oriented. I was not popular(probably because we did not do exciting things, birthday parties, camping fishing, sports ect...we did not have $$ for that stuff) anyway my brothers and I were not in the in crowd as kids and often left out. That said, I and they discovered we did not need those people. Both kids and adults can be cruel.

Best wishes.

05-03-2016, 01:33 PM
I agree with gadguy.

The Intolerable Kid
05-04-2016, 08:54 AM
I guess you'll have to take the hint that she's not interested in being friends with you. Glaring in church isn't very christ-like (and even he invited his buddies out for wine once in a while) perhaps sit somewhere behind her where she can't give you her disapproving look.

05-04-2016, 09:18 AM
TIKid I agree, I wanted to post it, but kept my mouth shot :)

05-07-2016, 09:19 AM
I agree with all of the above, and do you really want to associate with someone like that? She doesn't sound very nice.

05-08-2016, 03:56 PM
Sweety God will bring people who actually deserve you into your life. I agree with all these people. Like don't worry yourself, chasing after a false friendship isn't worth your time and it just makes em feel way above u . I learned the hard way that i'd rather be the girl sitting alone than the girl in a click . Do you, God will bring someone awesome who will invite u to all sorts of shit :) Patience and self love is all u need.

05-08-2016, 06:25 PM
stop sweating here and involve the God , he did not deserve it hehehe. She posted that post and never showed here again. Many people do like that, especially here

05-09-2016, 04:11 AM
Oh i didn't know people here don't like God :D

05-09-2016, 02:09 PM
it is not about liking or not, Just do not get religious on this site, keep it for your church. It is a major trigger for many hurt by religion. I personally think every religion is a bullshit, it is politics and manipulation of people, not to say about money. Religion is a very good and easy business, it gross me up. When thousands of children die of hunger, priests are indulging themselves in easy, comfy and decadent life
When they became like ST. Francis and take the faith out of building, to the nature, maybe i start to like it...................

05-10-2016, 12:37 AM
I hear you and respect your views and opinions. I agree with you to a certain extent. But that's all i can really say. Can't bash my own beliefs to make others feel comfortable honestly . We all have minds of our own. No biggie :)