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04-30-2016, 08:23 PM
So, yesterday I started to get a sore throat. Today I feel terrible, fever, fatigue etc... I asked my mom to take me to the emergency room. I 've been waiting for hours on her to get here. That's the trouble with health anxiety no one takes you seriously. She told me to sleep it off etc.. She's taking me so I will shut up. I am terrified it's cancer but no one else believes me. Today my roommate shut off my access to the Internet so I can't google symptoms . It sucks when I feel so worried about all this and my family and friends don't take me serious and don't care.

05-01-2016, 12:05 PM
Hey bbryan0004. I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so lonely right now. How is today? Did you try CBT to reduce your health anxiety? I am not saying that all the symptoms you experience are or are not true. I am saying that maybe you sometimes overreact because of selective attention to health problems. This is not strange at all, but if it happens all the time, then it might take control over your life and your environment will eventually respond the way they do now. Just think about it! I've seen some great results with CBT in people with health anxiety. Wish you all the best!

05-01-2016, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE=annemieke87;227087]Hey bbryan0004. I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so lonely right now. How is today? Did you try CBT to reduce your health anxiety? I am not saying that all the symptoms you experience are or are not true. I am saying that maybe you sometimes overreact because of selective attention to health problems. This is not strange at all, but if it happens all the time, then it might takes control over your life an your environment eventually will respond the way they do now. Just think about it! I've seen some great results with CBT in people with health anxiety. Wish you all the best![/QUOTE
I have strep throat. My anxiety was over the top at the ER though. I have considered going back because of my neck ache afraid it's meningitis. My dad says if it was I would have gotten worse not better, fever much better and that if it was I would have gotten way sicker by now.
I have never tried therapy.

05-01-2016, 01:05 PM
Glad you are feeling better. Do you feel reassured now?

I advise you to try therapy. Particularly cognitive behavioral therapy shows good effects with health anxiety. Ask your doctor to refer you to a psychologist. If you think this is scary, you can also get good online therapy.