View Full Version : Med Free! Update

04-29-2016, 07:14 AM
Well I am 4 days into being med free. I have been weening off of Lexapro over the last couple of months and weeks, before that was Clonazapam. Although I slowly came off of it, I am having withdrawal headaches at least that's what I think it is. Also despite now having a CPAP machine I am not sleeping well only getting 2 to 3 hours at night, very restless. Lack of sleep may be causing the headaches. Anxiety is good and under control, energy levels are great and there is some OCD when it comes to cleaning, but I needed a kick in the butt in that department. I was a neat freak before taking Lex, after I never had energy to care. Also personally I am taking better care of myself, I back in Gym, loosing weight, and am now trying to "remake" my style. I used to be very image concious, on the meds I did not care that much...now it seems like evry week I am constantly purging my closet of stuff I ca't believe I was wearing. LOL. I lost my style somewhere down the line...Gotta find it. Thats me for now.

04-29-2016, 02:47 PM
Thanks for sharing the good news and congratulations! I am happy for you.

05-03-2016, 07:35 AM
Thanks for sharing the good news and congratulations! I am happy for you.

Thanx....I have run into a road block, for whatever reason I am dealing with major Rage issues. I go from 0 to warp 8 on the rage scale in about 5 seconds, from there I slip into cruise control until i finally go to sleep. I have never been a very angry person, but I think having my emotion/feelings somewhat numbed down by the meds I am having a hard time controlling thins such as rage, or sadness or even happiness. I broke down in tears from watching a heart touching TV program. I have got to get a grip on my emotions and control/suppress them to acceptable levels. I ended up having to take 10 mg of Lex yesterday...I had to be able to function in order to work today. I was in a rage all weekend and yesterday. Checking out of life/reality is not an option., I gotta deal with it. Somehow.