View Full Version : Don't know what to do

04-27-2016, 12:22 PM
Gosh, I am having a terrible day. I am currently laying on the couch( have been for several hour) researching my new illness Oviarian Cancer. Reading these stories of how many people have been misdiagnosed I get teary-eyed. I can't decide what symptoms are real and what symptoms my mind makes up after reading. I constantly fight with myself day in and day out about if this is the one time I am right. That my life is going to be forever changed. I am so scared. I just want to feel normal again. My whole day consists of searching symptoms, reading personal stories and assessing my symptoms. I am going crazy here! I have an appointment in a few weeks and I am terrified. I just here him saying you have a mass over and over. I am getting ready to drive to the ER and demand an ultrasound or something. I am going nuts here.

04-27-2016, 01:43 PM
As I have said in another post, my internal medicine and GI physicians told me to stay off of the internet,
as it shows the worst possible outcome. Anxiety can cause many symptoms and the more you read, the more
scary it gets. I would get off the couch and go out somewhere to try to distract yourself and go do something you
like to do. I would also discuss the way you feel with your physician, family members, etc., so you don't feel alone
in your feelings.

04-27-2016, 02:00 PM
As I have said in another post, my internal medicine and GI physicians told me to stay off of the internet,
as it shows the worst possible outcome. Anxiety can cause many symptoms and the more you read, the more
scary it gets. I would get off the couch and go out somewhere to try to distract yourself and go do something you
like to do. I would also discuss the way you feel with your physician, family members, etc., so you don't feel alone
in your feelings.

My doctors have told me that as well . It's a compulsion for me, I've considered allowing my friend to set up a pass code and lock me out. Every time I consider it I have a panic attack. My friend asked me today, why I allowed it to have such a hold on me when I new it is caused by anxiety. Truth is I don't know.

04-27-2016, 02:22 PM
Anxiety can be a tough one to figure out and once it gets a hold of you its like a Pit Bull.
Maybe if you talk things out and practice self help, etc., you can accept yourself as you are
and not continue to do things that make you feel poorly. I hope you feel better soon!