View Full Version : Ovarian Cancer

04-24-2016, 09:47 PM
Sorry people
I know I've been posting a lot but this is the only place I feel comfort.
My health anxiety is so out of control. I just keep thinking"What if this is the time I am actually right?"
People with health anxiety get sick too. I begin to live like I have the disease, I pretty much plan my funeral. I just can't keep doing this. Anyone else out there have a fear of ovarian cancer? Or something similar? How do you cope? Right now I am barely hanging on waiting for cancer to wipe me out. I then read these stories of amazing people actually fighting the disease. These people are so full of hope in hopeless situations and then the guilt sets in.

04-24-2016, 10:20 PM
Keep planning so you really get sick, you probably 15............. Go to doctor and do tests ............but you know that it is ridicules that post.

04-25-2016, 07:41 AM
Keep planning so you really get sick, you probably 15............. Go to doctor and do tests ............but you know that it is ridicules that post.

(Not very helpful Dahlia.) It sounds like the kind of worry I used to have (still have some now).....it's a WORRY about anything that will keep me anxious and very miserable. For me it used to be AIDS. I have had sex so there was a possibility that I could have had AIDS but that's not the point. The point is that for whatever reason my head sought and found something to freak out about.....I ended up in the psych ward. I got drunk. Just to ward off the terrifying worry......one good thing is that I know I have this tendency and as such can do something about it. I know what you are going through......

04-25-2016, 09:27 AM
Lark you think I do not have that worrry cancer runs in my family , how can you even think you are going to get it. First of all the reality is we all have cancer. Cancer is our cells getting crazy or getting error messages. we just went through family member dying to cancer,

The thing is, when you tell your brain that you got this and that, you eventually are going to get it. People I do fight anxiety disorder for more than 40 years. What is happening now is ridiculous. you youngsters have access to dr google and google like crazy, listening everything in your body. You are asking for disaster. What about taking a walk everyday at least 30 min. What about eating veggies and fruit and balanced diet everyday, Posts like that are not helping anyone. It is giving people the ideas, Everyone of us have health anxiety but not many people talk about it. Talking does not help, meditation , exercise and meds if you have to, help. Lark you think if you say I am sorry that you think about it. you helping???????????????;wrong, wrong

04-25-2016, 02:15 PM
Health anxiety is like many other anxieties, something sets it off and your mind feeds it with threats that it creates (which can happen whether or not Google searches enter into the equation), and you end up convincing yourself that something bad is going to happen, but the underlying cause might be some kind of a deeper or wider negative idea about yourself or relating to your life that sets your mind off in such a loop in the first place. Some people go to see a doctor (which of course is a good idea if you're worried about weird symptoms), the doctor runs tests and finds nothing but the person still worries, this can happen regardless of whether Google was involved (no, self-diagnosing is not really a great idea, but it's easy to do and what's done is done). That doesn't make the anxiety any less real. Yes, everyone is probably worried about their health at some point but not everyone has health anxiety, just like not everyone has other kinds of anxiety. The point is that it's certainly a more complicated mental process than just using Google to generate insignificant worries out of nowhere so belittling it doesn't really help (unless you want to think of all anxiety as insignificant worries out of nowhere which they sometimes are from a certain point of view, but things are also always more complicated than that).

In any case, if your GP finds nothing, then it might help to see a doctor to talk about anxiety treatment options.

And the underlying cause? Something that prevents you from moving forward, that causes you to get stuck on the fear that you are likely to die or won't be able to survive or cope. Insecurity? If so, what triggers that? Yes, I know it's complicated to figure these things out and to keep asking yourself what if I am not right about this (instead of "what if I'm right this time"), but it's possible. Good luck, bbryan.

04-25-2016, 07:22 PM
I am going to speak with the doctor about being put on some type of anxiety Meds. I am often torn between telling them I have health anxiety and not telling the doctor. My Best friend's mother works for pathways and I spoke with her to see if the oferred any type of mental health services which could help me cope. The first time I was suffering with this. I never did anything to improve my standing but this time I want to get better