View Full Version : left side, arm, breast pain?

04-19-2016, 09:54 PM
Hi - recently I've been coming off of Welbutrin due to some bad side effects and am now experiencing some mild twinges/pain in my left upper arm, sometimes breast and armpit areas. My health anxiety has been up since coming off the medicine and it hasn't helped that we recently had to put our beloved dog down. I think these twinges.pains are from my anxiety, but I would feel better if others have had similar situations. Thanks for all your help.

Boo Bass
04-20-2016, 02:52 AM
Anxiety can affect most parts of the body especially muscles. This sounds like your case.

04-20-2016, 09:20 PM
Thanks Boo Bass - I went to the doctor today and she performed a breast exam and everything felt normal there. Today my heart rates been up in the 90's - I know this is a symptom of anxiety so I'm trying to not focus on it.